MTV’s #2 Rob Moment: Involves Some, Er, *Unique* Twi-Merchandise

Mar 17th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos

Here’s MTV’s #2 moment, I’ll leave all the ‘splainin’ to them. 😉

What else can we say about Robert Pattinson’s #2 MTV moment other than “glitter lube”?

All week, we’ve been ticking off our favorite RPattz moments as we count down the hours until “MTV First: Robert Pattinson,” a 30-minute conversation in which the 24-year-old actor will be answering your Twitter questions, goes live Friday at 8:56 p.m. ET. We’ve touched on our initial visit to talk to him on set in 2008 and his first trip to the Oscars the next year. Momentous occasions, all. And now, here we are: glitter lube.


Who’s gonna be tuning in live?!  I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch it live. Argh!  This is very vexing.  Where’s my fainting sofa? I shall swoon from the palipations this distress brings me.   I kid.  Sort of.   But I asked @mtvnews yesterday if they’d have the interview up on their site after the live event and sho’ nough they will so that myself and whoever else misses the live event can still watch it! 

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