USA Today’s Full Interview with Stephenie Meyer–Includes Details of the Fan Event

Mar 31st, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

USA Today has posted their full interview with Stephenie, and oh my goodness is it a good one.  They were the only press invited to the international fan event and they got some fantastic info from Stephenie about the future of the Twilight series, the Breaking Dawn films, her upcoming projects and so much more:

VANCOUVER, B.C. — When Stephenie Meyer walks into a room of Twilight fans, there’s no doubt she’s their undisputed vampire queen.

Ten lucky Twilight fans from around the world have come to this metropolitan Canadian city to meet the mega-selling author whose young-adult novels about an alluring vampire and his human soul mate have entranced them since 2005.

It’s hard to say who’s enjoying this total Twilight talkfest more — the attendees or the writer.

‘I just love having the chance to sit down with a small group of fans,’ says Meyer, who is looking a little more Hollywood these days and a bit less like a suburban mom of three. ‘Bigger events are just too nerve-racking.’

For this literary star, the days of chatting with a few fans at a local bookstore are over. Meyer is an international celebrity. Her books sell in dozens of countries. The film versions are hotly anticipated. Fan sites have gone viral.This two-day chat fest with Meyer, which took place last Friday and Saturday, was a top-secret affair. Even the attendees weren’t told where in the world they’d be meeting with Meyer until after they were notified they were among the chosen 10.

Read the rest of the interview at USA Today.  It is most definitely worth the read, albeit slightly spoilery in regards to quite a few Breaking Dawn hot topics (wedding dresses, vampire caesareans, where Part I ends, etc…). I’m gonna go back and re-read it myself because there is just SO much info in this interview!

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