Apr 5th, 2011 | By | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured Articles, Podcasts, Site News

The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide hits store shelves in exactly one week, and in honor of the highly-anticipated release we have decided to hold an Official Guide countdown.  We’ve heard that many Twilight-related questions will be answered in the book, and we want to know what YOU want to find out from the guide!

Day 6- What has officially been puzzling you about… the Swan Family’s past?

Kallie – I really want to know details about Bella’s romantic past?  What kind of guy she dated before Edward!?!?!
Stefanie– I want to know how Renee and Charlie met.  Was he getting a mustache trim at the barbershop and on his way out he bumped into her? Or maybe she was his barber! We know she’s always finding new hobbies! LOL
Krystal – I want to know more about Charlie’s dating past, if he was ever serious with anyone else, and if he and Sue Clearwater ever get together.  I’d also like to know about Bella’s life before she came to Forks, who she hung out with, dated, etc, especially since she never mentions any friends back home.
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