Twilight Lexicon Interviews Leah Gibson & Patrick Brennan

Apr 7th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos

At the Official Twilight Convention in Nashville last month, the Twilight Lexicon got the chance to interview Leah Gibson, who plays Nettie in Eclipse, and Patrick Brennan, who plays Liam in Breaking Dawn.

Of all the opportunities that come our way over the years in working in the fandom, some of our favorite moments come when we have an opportunity to interview the cast members while at the conventions.  In Nashville last month, we had the chance to talk with Leah Gibson, who played Nettie in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.  This was Leah’s first time at The Creation Entertainment Official Twilight Convention, so we jumped at the chance to talk to her.  While we were in the middle of the interview, our camera died!  (That’s what happens when your kids get their hands on your equipment and you forget to switch the batteries!) After much apologizing, a second camera was retrieved by Shelley (Something Blue) and we continued with the interview.

Leah talks about originally auditioning for a part in New Moon and about working with David Slade.

Here’s their interview with Patrick:

This was Patrick’s first ever convention and he was overwhelmed by the love and support he felt from the Twilight fandom!  As the son of Eileen Brennan (Clue, Private Benjamin) Patrick grew up around Hollywood.  He even told us a story while we were setting up about being taken out of school to go to the set for Clue and hanging out with some of the cast members.  But none of that put any kind of damper on his humility and gratitude for being a part of the Twilight Saga as you will see in this interview.

You will need to turn the volume up all the way for this one.  We had limited space and time for the interview.  This took place while everyone was getting ready for their photo ops in the next room so there is quite a bit of background noise that we apologize for!

Patrick talks about getting the call saying he got the role of Liam, and how prior to that he’d been doing construction work! He also raves about Bill Condon. Gah! I can’t wait till we start seeing interviews with Bill! All of the cast has spoken so highly of him and given the way he’s already reached out to the fans I’m dying to see him get interviewed. Maybe at Comic Con this year someone will snag an interview with him?! (That’s assuming he’ll be there, of course.) Oh, and make sure you watch Patrick’s entire interview, he gives a sweet shout out to the fans at the end!

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