Noel Fisher Tweets Pics of His Last Day of Work on “Breaking Dawn”

Apr 26th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Yesterday, Noel, who plays Vladimir in Breaking Dawn, tweeted a bunch of pictures he took documenting his last day of shooting.  One of the real gems was the picture he posted of him, Guri Weinberg, and Mackenzie Foy.  That little girl is so adorable! I can’t wait to see her on screen!

Noel’s caption for this pic: “After I grabbed my coffee, guess who I ran into in the lobby?”

Here are a few more pictures Noel posted:

Caption: “We have arrived at work!”

Caption: “Here’s @GuriWeinberg chatting before we head [to] makeup to get vamped! Sinister Sinbad is most def planning something!”

To see all the photos check out Noel’s twitpic account and make sure you’re following Noel on twitter! He said that he’s got more pictures he’s going to post!

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