Kellan Lutz Talks to E! about Being Homesick While Filming ‘Breaking Dawn’

May 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Kellan spoke to E!’s Marc Malkin at a recent benefit for the St. Bernard Project:

No doubt Kellan Lutz is grateful for being a part of the Twilight franchise, but even he was a bit relieved when the two Breaking Dawn flicks finally wrapped.

Poor guy had a bad case of homesickness.

And who can blame him really?

We’ll let Mr. Lutz explain…

“Honestly, it was a long seven months that got longer and longer,” he told me at Britney Spears‘ St. Bernard Project benefit. “That’s a long time being away from my home, my friends and my dogs.”

Read more here.

Photo: Steve Granitz/Wire Image via Popsugar


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