Rob on Saying “Goodbye” to Edward & Filming the “Insane” Birth Scene
May 16th, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsDuring Rob’s recent Water for Elephants promotional tour he spoke with the New Zealand Herald about wrapping up the Twilight saga, and how hard the birth scene was for him to film:
He admits to mixed feelings about saying goodbye to Edward Cullen.
‘I’ll be very glad not to put those contacts in anymore or have to put on the sparkling makeup, but I will really miss the character. I do love the guy. I feel like I know him pretty well now.’ […]
In Breaking Dawn, their characters Edward and Bella marry and have a child. One of the most pivotal scenes is the birth of the couple’s baby and turning Bella into a vampire.
‘It was insane, intense,’ he says of the scene, explaining that Edward can either lose Bella or give her a bite and thus immortality. ‘It was a pretty traumatic scene for me to do as an actor and, frankly, horrible for me emotionally. Edward has tried for so long not to turn Bella into a vampire and now … well, it’s very sad. He feels like he has let her down.’
Read the rest of the interview here wear Rob talks in detail about his work on Water for Elephants and how fame has affected his ability to go out in public. Also, to see more pictures, like the one above, from Rob’s time in Australia visit Popsugar. Is it bad of me to say that because the scene freaked him out, it makes me all the more excited to see it?!
Photo: Don Arnold/WireImage via Popsugar
Via: @RobPattzNews