MTV: 5 Reasons to Get Excited about ‘Breaking Dawn’ + Top Trailer Moments

Jun 7th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV’s Movies Blog has posted their top 5 reasons people (non-Twihards included) should be excited about the trailer:

The Big Release
Sexual tension and, often times, frustration has long been the name of the game with the “Twilight” series. But when the first half of the final movie arrives later this year, dawn won’t be the only thing that’s breaking; there’s gonna be some broken headboards, too, not to mention a whole lot of pent-up sexual release between Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart’s on-screen alter-egos. If nothing else, it’ll be worth tuning into “Breaking Dawn” to see how the years upon years worth of “will they won’t they” finally pays off.

Vampire Baby
Well, those of you who’ve read the “Twilight” books already know how the “will they won’t they” question pays off — with a vampire baby! The trailer ends with a major tease at the blood-sucking bun in Bella’s oven, and given how Bill Condon and his team seem to be handling the pregnancy, you can bet that the birth scene itself is going to be something that any and all horror movie fans are going to want to take notice of.

Read the other 3 reasons here!

Lastly, Hollywood Crush has posted what they think are the 5 best moments from the trailer.  Here’s a look at a few of them, read the rest here.

The Invitation
See, we told you our red carpet “Breaking Dawn” exclusive would be a good tease! The Bella and Edward wedding invitation was featured about a bazillion times in the trailer, and we got a chance to look at it first hand and scoop as many details as we could from its lavender-bordered page. But that leads us into our next point: holy cow, those Volturi!

Volturi Are Invited
It was a bit of a surprise to see that the “Breaking Dawn: Part 1” trailer—which, at least in terms of the book’s plot, does not include the Volturi—opened with a shot of a wedding invitation being brought to Volterra. That confirms the fact the Volturi will remain a present part of the series like they did in “Eclipse,” even though they don’t technically show up until the end of “Part 2.” And it sure was nice to see Michael SheenJamie Campbell Bower andChristopher Heyerdahl again.

What are your favorite moments in the trailer? The screencap above is one of my favorite parts. How gorgeous is that set?!

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