New Interview With Colleen Houck!
Jun 7th, 2011 | By Krystal | Category: Book News, Featured ArticlesYou know we’re always on the lookout for great new books, especially ones that keep us up all night and leave us wanting more. If you’re looking for a great new summer read, I highly recommend Tiger’s Curse and Tiger’s Quest (in stores today) by Colleen Houck. The books are a great mix of action, adventure, and romance, and it you’re a Twilight fan, I think you’ll adore them. Colleen was kind enough to answer some of our questions over on our book recommendation site, Bookshelf Banter, so click here to check it all out!
TST: And since we started as a Twilight fansite, I have to ask, which book in that series is your favorite and why?
Colleen: Eaaasssy. Eclipse. I love the fighting between Edward and Jacob. The jealous bantering at the tent was my all time favorite scene. I also liked getting the back story on the other vampires.
Omg Colleen! That’s MY favorite scene and book! You’re a girl after my own heart, and I LOVE your books too! <3