Twilightish Interviews Justin Chon

Jun 13th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Twilightish has posted an awesome interview they did with Justin Chon.  He talks so much Twilight that it’s like a Twi-overload! (in a good way, but of course ;)). I think my favorite part of the interview is when Justin talks about what he’ll miss about the Twilight Saga:

I’ll miss the familiarity of going to the Pacific NW every year, freezing my a$$ off, seeing everyone. It’s like summer camp, at first you’re like YAYYYY and then when you’re cold and wet you say WHHHYYYY. I’ll miss that, it is always great to go on location and hang out with your buds.

That applies to so many things in life, doesn’t it? You get really excited about something and then during the more unpleasant moments you’re like why on earth am I doing this?! But then those good moments start to happen and you’ve got your enthusiasm back! Read the rest of Twilightish’s interview with Justin here.

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