Are You “Goin’ to the Chapel” on August 13?!
Aug 4th, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie NewsOver the years, we’ve seen a few Twilight-inspired weddings, events, etc…and we want to know: has the epic romance that is Bella and Edward’s relationship inspired you to pop the question at a Twilight event? Or maybe you took engagement photos a la the infamous meadow scene?
Or for the big finale: are you or any of your friends, are getting married on August 13. Are you planning on doing it all up and incorporating Twilight-themed items/decorations in the overall look of your big day?
If so, then let us know in the comments! Better yet, include links in the comment section to pictures of the bride and groom if ya got ’em! Your story may be used in an upcoming feature and we’d love to hear from you!
(Not gonna lie, if I was getting married I would totally go for the above floral extravanganza pictured above. ;))