New ‘Breaking Dawn’ Stills From EW!

Aug 11th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Entertainment Weekly has a couple of new exclusive stills from the Breaking Dawn honeymoon scene, both of which you can see over on their site!

What do you think of these new stills?  Is it too much or too little?  (The full-sized images are over at EW, since they have the exclusive 🙂 )

You can also check out a sneak peek at the upcoming EW issue HERE!  I think you’re going to want to read this, lol!

“My wife is dying, I have completely f—ed up my life and hers, and Jacob’s like [To Bella] ‘Hey, baby, you don’t look too bad to me,’” Pattinson said. “And I’m just sitting there, like, with a bucket collecting [Bella’s] vomit. That really wouldn’t happen. I should have thrown the vomit at him.”

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