You’ll Soon Be Able to Buy Your Own Replica of Bella’s Wedding Gown!

Aug 14th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

Showcasing what could be a huge HUGE deal and will probably be the granddaddy of all costume replicas, it’s been announced that this fall, Bella’s wedding gown will be made available for purchase! Here are the details from PR Web:

Alfred Angelo has been named the exclusive and official licensed manufacturer of Bella’s bridal gown, which appears in Summit Entertainment’s upcoming release of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 1, due in theaters on November 18, 2011.

The gown will be a replica of the wedding dress worn by Kristen Stewart in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 1.  It will be priced in line with Alfred Angelo’s popular bridal collection, and available in sizes 0 to 30W to fit every Twilight bride.

Since THE TWILIGHT SAGA began, Twilight fans have been imagining of Bella’s bridal gown.  A search on Youtube or Google returns hundreds of possibilities and home videos created by Twilight fans with their vision of “THE DRESS.”  The question remains…just what will Bella wear?

Her gown, marketed under the brand Twilight Bridal by Alfred Angelo, will be unveiled in late November 2011 following the release of the movie, and will be available in Alfred Angelo Signature Stores and independent retailers worldwide.

Wow! Any brides out there thinking about getting Bella’s gown–even though we haven’t seen it yet? 😉 What I am curious about is whether or not Carolina Herrera had to sign off on anything, before designing the original version of the gown, saying that her design could be replicated by someone else. Well, I guess she would. What a weird contract to have to sign! haha

Via: @RobPattzNews

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