Tinsel Korey Talks to Moviefone about ‘Breaking Dawn’ & Her Upcoming Projects

Aug 29th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Tinsel Korey talked with Moviefone about Stained, one of her films that comes out on DVD tomorrow, and of course, they talked about Breaking Dawn:

‘Breaking Dawn’ is coming out soon. What was it like filming that?
Bittersweet. Obviously it’s great to be back on set and see everybody, but I knew it was the last movie. I remember being at dinner and just looking around and it was like, ‘Are we all going to be friends when this is finished?’ I compare movies to summer camp. You have these great relationships and you bond, and then when summer ends you’re all like, ‘We have to keep in touch!’ Then life moves on and you go your separate ways.

How has the dynamic on set changed between ‘New Moon’ and ‘Breaking Dawn’? Was everyone more relaxed and comfortable with each other?
We see each other at ‘Twilight’ conventions and stuff like that, so we’ve gotten to interact a lot more than you would on another movie where it finishes and you don’t see each other. So that strengthened our bond as a wolf pack unit. You could definitely tell that the movie had changed, as in the budget and the level of movie. When we were filming ‘New Moon’ the hype was really just starting to pick up and I think that ‘Twilight’ had just been released internationally, so it wasn’t the crazy hoopla that it is right now. Obviously that was intensified by ‘Eclipse,’ and then ‘Breaking Dawn’ was another level.

Read the rest at Moviefone where Tinsel talks about an experience with trespassing fans on the Eclipse set, and if she ever gets recognized.

Photo: Eyebehold

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