MTV: Fandom Experts Rate the Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailer

Sep 14th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News


I was interviewed by MTV about the new Breaking Dawn Trailer last night, along with Laura from Twilgiht Lexicon and Kara of Twilighters Anonymous.  It’s fun to hear what stood out most in the trailer to some of the biggest Twilight fans (and fansite admins)!

Update: Here is some more coverage from the fansite interview with MTV!

Check out the accompanying article HERE!

Meanwhile, Kallie Matthews from expressed delight in getting more glimpses of the arrival of baby Renesmee, or “Nessie,” a nickname readers of the book well know.

“We got to see a little bit of what it’s going to be like to have Nessie, and that’s going to be awesome,” Matthews said of Bella’s intense, climactic labor scenes, during which Renesmee is welcomed into the world. “I’m really, really excited, because it wasn’t all romance; it was some of the conflict and turmoil,” she added. “So that got me excited about it.”

Kallie, Laura, and Kara also talked about their favorite moment in the new trailer, which you can read about HERE, or check out in the video below.

Kallie Matthews from went for the more uncomfortable moment.

“There were a lot of favorite moments. This is slightly morbid, but [I liked] actually getting to see parts of the birth scene,” she admitted. “I’ve been so curious about how it’s going to play out. The books are just glimpses, and it seems like the movie is going to be that way too, so I’m really glad that Bill Condon is staying true to that,” she explained. “Like I said, morbid.”

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