Tickets for Official “Breaking Dawn” Convention on Sale Now!

Sep 19th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

Creation Entertainment, who runs the Official Twilight Conventions, announced today that tickets for the “Breaking Dawn Part 1” fan convention are now on sale:

Here’s the tentative run-down of what to expect during your weekend:

Friday afternoon: Pre-Registration for attendees coming the entire convention.  Not a necessity, but a convenience, you are free to register at any time. Friday early evening:  Celebrity Panel events in the theatre Friday evening:  Celebrity Karaoke Party

Saturday morning:  Registration Saturday afternoon, early evening:  Celebrity Star Panels, Special Theatre Events Saturday night:  “Twilight Saga Wedding  Reception” Party:  join fellow fans and celebrity drop-ins for this special celebration featuring music and dancing.  Come dressed to kill!

Sunday morning until early afternoon:  Celebrity Breakfast and Silent Charity Auction,  Autographs and Photo Ops with supporting stars to be announced

Right now, the only tickets available for purchase are the “Gold Weekend Packages” which are $349. Usually they also have smaller packages and day passes at much lower prices. I’d imagine those will go on sale soon. For purchasing information, including details about what’s included in the “Gold Weekend Packages”, visit the

Via: @Twi_Tour

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