Taylor Lautner on Why He Thinks “Breaking Dawn Part 1” Is the Best in the Saga

Sep 21st, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

During his interview with Moviefone, Taylor praises director Bill Condon when describing why he thinks Breaking Dawn Part 1 is the best in the saga so far:

Speaking of which: the new trailer for ‘Breaking Dawn’ is out, and it looks vastly different from the previous three films. Knowing the story and the books, was this final chapter one you were looking forward to?
No, I wasn’t. We honestly have so much fun making the movies; we have a great time together. The movie, specifically, is very different than any of the other ones. ‘Breaking Dawn Part 1’ has challenged me as an actor more than I ever have been before. I can’t wait for people to see the movie. For me, it’s by far the best one.

Do you think that’s because of the story in the book or because of Bill Condon’s directing?
I think it’s both. The book is very different. The book almost feels like a totally different series. The book is very different and it allows the characters to change. You really see all the characters in a different light than you’ve ever seen them before. It was going to be a challenging job for any director who took on this movie, but I have to say: Bill Condon couldn’t have done a better job on set and in post-production. The movie is amazing. He is one incredible director.

Most franchise stars probably feel fatigued and ready to move on after playing the same character for so long, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with you. It seems like you’re almost melancholy.
Yeah, I definitely am. We all were. We’ve been playing these characters for four years now and we feel so close to them and we’ve become so close with each other, and it definitely was emotional when we finished.

You can read the rest of the interview here where Taylor talks about Abduction.

Photo: David Livingston/Getty Images via Moviefone

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