Taylor Lautner Reflects on the Time He and Kristen Stewart Presented at the Oscars

Sep 21st, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Taylor Lautner talks about how sometimes his nerves can get the best of him, and that one time it just so happened to be at the Oscars:

Lautner can seem like the most self-assured of the ‘Twilight’ bunch — smiling and waving to fans on the promotional circuit — while co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart can appear more uncomfortable in the limelight.

‘Everybody handles it in a different way,’ he said of the attention. Plus, he insists, he’s not always the laid-back one. In 2010, when he and Stewart presented an Oscar at that year’s Academy Awards, it was his costar who had to calm a jittery Lautner down.

‘For Kristen, when she gets nervous, she gets shy and quiet — and I find it very cute. And then I think I over-exaggerate with smiling and laughing,’ he said. ‘The only thing I can remember about presenting at the Oscars is we were up on the stage, and I could literally feel my pulse, like, through my neck. And Kristen was just like, ‘It’s gonna be OK, just breathe.’

‘I think it was just the fact that I was up there on this stage, talking to people that I’ve looked up to my entire life. I’m talking and presenting something and then, out of the corner of my eye, there’s Leo [DiCaprio] and then there’s George Clooney. It was tough for me to handle the situation.’

You can read the rest of the interview, where Taylor talks about letting loose emotionally in Abduction and Breaking Dawn Part 1 here.

Photo: Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times

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