Round-up of Recent Anna Kendrick Interviews: ‘Breaking Dawn’ Mentions Abound

Sep 29th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos

Anna has been doing quite a bit of promo for her upcoming film, 50/50, and of course, Breaking Dawn questions were bound to find their way into an interview or two.

MTV interview where they ask a really awkward question about Breaking Dawn…seriously, why is this the question that everyone asks?!

Popsugar interview: Anna talks about shooting the wedding scene

Entertainment Weekly interview: Anna talks about the early days of Twilight and keeps pretty silent when Breaking Dawn is brought up. (For good reason!)

Kendrick is the first one to tell you that Twilight‘s huge success came out of nowhere. ‘After we shot the first Twilight, we organized our own wrap party. We really didn’t know what this was going to be,’ she recalls. ‘Something like that can come at you unexpectedly, and you just have to try your best to deal with it.’ Kendrick credits her co-stars for how they’ve handled the attention: ‘More power to the people who deal with that kind of stuff and still say sane.’

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