“Tiger’s Curse” Giveaway!

Oct 17th, 2011 | By | Category: Contests, Featured Articles

You may have heard that our current Book of the Month is the incredible Tiger’s Curse by Colleen Houck.  What you may not have heard is how much each of us here at TST is in love with these books.  We are all completely obsessed with the Tiger Saga series!  Like, get-your-head-examined, pulling-our-hair-out, screaming-at-fictional-characters obsessed.  The kind of obsessed where you stay up all night to keep reading the book because you just HAVE to know what’s going to happen next. If you love Twilight, we can pretty much guarantee that you will love these books.  In fact, I think I can safely say that none of us here at TST have been this crazed over a book since the Twilight Saga.  They are just that good.

So, in order to spread the love, we are giving away a copy of Tiger’s Curse (book one), thanks to the lovely people at Sterling Publishing!  Here’s how to enter:

In the comments section, tell us which animal you would want to be cursed as.

That’s it!  Want more entries?

Follow and Tweet us your answer on Twitter (@TSTPodcast) or (@bookshelfbanter), comment on TST’s Facebook (or BB’s Facebook), or comment on the giveaway post on Bookshelf Banter.  You’ll get an additional entry for each way you enter, up to six entries!  Winner will be chosen at random.

Contest ends Sunday night at 9 pm PST and is open to US residents only (sorry!).

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