the Twilight Camping Experience

Oct 21st, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News is back this week with an article that focuses on a topic that is near and dear to the hearts of many Twihards: camping out for the movie premieres. Laura talks about the camping experiences from Twilight to Eclipse and how they’ve changed over the years:

Camping out for events has become practically synonymous with The Twilight Saga. This is especially true if the event involves limited seating/viewing and “The Big Trio”, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner. Camping has become so pervasive that Summit Entertainment has issued camping guidelines for the second year in a row, just to keep it all going smoothly and to ensure fan safety.  So, let’s take a look back at the whole premiere camping experience.

When the original Twilight came out in November 2008, fans started showing up in the Westwood area roughly two to three days before. At that time, the film had its premiere in the Mann Theatres that are paired across the street from each other. Reporters took note of the intensity of the red carpet, discovering that fans had slept out over two nights; something that never happens when it comes to independent films. There was definitely a passionate presence and a level of screaming on the red carpet that was new to many.  Veteran actors in the cast like Billy Burke quipped, “I’ve never f***ing seen anything like this.” At one point, when I was trying to communicate with the Twilight Lexicon staff reporter on site, I had to resort to text messaging because I couldn’t hear her over the non-stop screaming.

Well, if people thought Twilight was crowded, a year later New Moon produced a veritable swarm.

Read the rest at Have any of you camped out for one of the premieres or are you planning to camp out for Breaking Dawn Part 1?

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