Twilight Experts Weigh in on the Upcoming MTV First: Breaking Dawn

Oct 31st, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV spoke with Twilighters Anonymous, Twilight Lexicon, and TST’s own Kallie to find out what they’re looking forward to from the upcoming Breaking Dawn special:

In the exclusive clip, [Laura from the Lexicon] and [Kallie Mathews] hope to see some reactions to Bella’s pregnancy from the wolf pack, while Hassell hopes more humans are involved.

‘I love the Cullens and werewolves as much as the next ‘Twilight’ fan, but I’m dying to see a little snark from Charlie Swan (Billy Burke) or Jessica Stanley (Anna Kendrick),’ Hassell said.

The ladies are also eager to see the dynamic between Stewart, Pattinson and Lautner during the Q&A following the premiere of the clip.

‘I hope and expect to see some great chemistry and a lot of comedy from the three,’ Hassell said. ‘We’ve seen them individually in interviews recently, but it’s always a whole different ballgame when they are all together.’

‘I would really love to hear them discuss acting together, i.e. when Jacob finds out that Bella is preggers,’ Mathews added. “And what it was like to play off of each other’s emotions in such an intense scene.’

In the remainder of the interview, the ladies talk about how they’re staying busy while waiting for Breaking Dawn to come out.

What are you hoping to see during MTV First: Breaking Dawn?

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