Watch the Rob, Kristen, Taylor & Bill Condon “Breaking Dawn” Convention Panel Live!!!!

Nov 4th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

Uh, what whaaaaaat?!?! I think this might be my favorite news today. Weren’t able to make it out to LA to see Rob, Kristen, Taylor and Bill Condon panel at the Breaking Dawn convention on Saturday? Cambio and Moviefone have you COVERED! They have teamed up to bring a live stream of the panel! It starts at 7:30pm EST/4:30pm PST on Want to ask the actors a question? Start tweeting away using the hashtag #Breakingdawnlive because Cambio will choose one twitter question to ask during the panel!

For more information, head over to Cambio.

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