Day 4: ‘Thankful for Twilight’ Give-A-Way! VOLTURI Prize Pack

Nov 8th, 2011 | By | Category: Book News, Contests, Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Podcasts, Site News

We are so excited to announce that JESSICA is our winner!

Our next give-a-way will be this Friday, November 11, 2011!
Today Krystal is thankful… That we have such amazing cast/filmmakers that really cater and listen to the fanbase.

What’s the best tribute that cast/filmmakers have paid to the fandom?

Kallie~ I loved Christmas photo that Bill Condon sent last year to the fans!
Kassie~ Taylor “buff’n” up for the shirtless scenes!
Krystal~I do love Bill’s feather pic.  But really, I love them all for listening to the fans and taking it to heart.
Stefanie~I’ll always love Bill Condon for giving us that feather photo. And Iiiiiiieeeeiiiiiiii will always love you…Jk, but no, seriously I will.

We are excited to bring you a prize pack full of items that revolve around the Volturi!

Autographed Copy of “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner”
Stephenie Meyer Autographed Bookplate
Eclipse Red Logo Socks
Volturi Tee (L)
Caius Tee (L)
Jane Gray Tee (S)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ‘Jane’ Barbie
New Moon Volturi Mini-Poster
Breaking Dawn Mini-Poster

*To enter you must submit a Comment below, Tweet ( – Mention @TSTPodcast) or Share ( onTST Profile Page), answering the questions from above.  The contest is open INTERNATIONALLY, and a winner will be selected at random.  The contest will be open during the entire 24 hours of the day (November 9, 2011, Eastern Time).  Once the winner is selected they will be emailed, and given 7 days to respond to the email.

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