Sneak Peek at This Week’s “Breaking Dawn” Entertainment Weekly Cover Story!

Nov 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Don’t they look fantastic? (Rob is looking especially nice on that cover. :P) Check out this preview of the upcoming interview with Rob, Kristen and Taylor from

Twihards have long been anticipating seeing Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) honeymoon on Isle Esme and consummate their marriage amid flying feathers. And as audiences will see when The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1 arrives in theaters this Friday, the love scene does not disappoint. But, according to the stars of the movie, things could have been even more steamy — if it weren’t for director Bill Condon needing to keep the action PG-13. ‘There’s a version where it was really intense,’ recalls Pattinson in this week’s EW.  ‘Cinematically, cut all together, it’s awesome,’ says Kristen Stewart. ‘But we didn’t really do that scene. ‘

‘And when we did,’ adds Pattinson, ‘they kept telling us to stop.’

Read the rest here where Kristen goes on to talk about what frustrated her during the filming of the birth scene. This issue of EW will be on stands this Friday, November 18.

Also, check out this fun outtake from the cover shoot sent over to us from Summit!


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