Next Movie’s Male Twi-Hard Addresses the Twilight Haters

Dec 15th, 2011 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

In his latest column, the Male Twi-hard summarizes what’s been going on the land of Twilight Haterville. Here’s an excerpt:

Just yesterday, George Takei, voice actor extraordinaire and Hikaru Sulu in the “Star Trek” series, released a YouTube video urging “Star Trek” and “Star Wars” fans to put aside their differences and turn their attention toward hating “Twilight.” While it’s tongue-in-cheek and clearly an attempt to keep this 72-year-old actor’s name in the media (mission accomplished), the vitriol he spews on our favorite vampire series seems to come from a very real place.

“Gone is any sense of heroism, camaraderie or epic battle. In its place we have vampires that sparkle, moan and go to high school,” Takei says. “Sci-fi fans be warned, there are no great stories, characters or profound life lessons to be found in ‘Twilight’ … In ‘Twilight,’ the only message that rings through loud and clear is: ‘Does my boyfriend like me?'”

Whether he was being serious or not, Takei isn’t the only public figure to bash “Twilight.” Plenty of others feel the need to do so and have secured a spot on my enemies list, which is getting longer than Nixon’s (you can make my enemies list for reasons other than “Twilight,” too, like if you skimp on my frozen yogurt toppings).

Others on the list include the likes of Anne Rice (but we already knew about her), Stephen King, Miley Cyrus and Whitney Port. Read the rest at Next Movie.

(Photo: Getty Images via Next Movie)

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