Interview with Trinity Faegen and…Win a signed copy of The Mephisto Covenant!

Dec 18th, 2011 | By | Category: Book News, Contests, Featured Articles, Site News

Trinity Faegen, author of The Mephisto Covenant, has graciously agreed to come on Twilight Series Theories and do an interview with us! She’s also giving away a signed copy of her wonderful book! Comment below and tell us one question you really want to ask Trinity. When you comment with your question, you are automatically entered to win a signed copy of The Mephisto Covenant! This giveaway will come to a close on December 31st, 2011 so get your questions in NOW!

1. I read on your website that you love college football. What is your team of choice, and what got you started as a college football fan?

I’m an alum of Texas Tech, so for me, it’s the Red Raiders all the way. Unfortunately, the past few seasons have been pretty sucky, but I’m no fair weather fan. We have season tickets and go to every home game. I met my husband at Tech, all of his family went there, and my daughters are there now, so it’s kind of a family tradition. I also enjoy watching other games on TV, and always cheer for the underdog.

2. In a recent blog post, you stated that you love romance. You also say that you hate sappy stuff. Can you tell us what you think the difference is between the two? Where is the line drawn?

Romance is a guy taking an anxious girl to see her grouchy grandma, sitting through the visit and only checking the score on his phone once, then telling the girl after they leave that the old lady wasn’t so bad, and he hopes now she can stop feeling guilty for not going to see her.

Sappy is a guy taking a girl to see her grouchy grandma, then telling her in the car on the way home that he loves how patient and kind and sweet and wonderful and loving she is with her grandmother, just like she’s patient and kind and sweet and wonderful and loving to all of God’s creatures, and that’s why he loves her, because he never had a woman like her in his life until now, and…yada, yada. I guess I just like to keep it real. Guys should talk, think, and act like guys. Then, when they do something selfless and wonderful out of love for a girl, it’s romantic –not corny.

3. Because we cover anything entertainment related, in conjunction with the books we review, we have a favorite question we like to ask. Who would you cast as your main characters if The Mephisto Covenant, Book 1 were to be made into a movie and you could choose anyone?

Don’t laugh, but I’m superstitious about this question, so I never answer. They’re who they are in my head, and assigning a real person to who they are would make them feel less real. I’m cringing as I write this, because I know they’re not real.

4. If someone were to write a book about your life, what do you think the most prominent theme would be?

Optimistic perseverance. Or, cake.

5. I’m sure it’s nerve-wracking to release a novel out into the world. What is the one scene from the book that you are most nervous to have people read?

The one where Sasha’s cousin attacks her. For personal reasons, that was the most difficult to write, so there’s some vulnerability there for me.

6. There has been a bit of controversy about one of the final scenes in your book, when Sasha is becoming marked. 🙂 There are those who believe a line might have been crossed for a Young Adult book. What do you say to those critics?

Let’s be frank. Most everyone will someday have sex –it’s how we’re hardwired. Why cover it up like it’s a secret?Why not open the door and show that sex between two people who love each other is another side to their commitment, an intimate bond that brings them closer? It’s odd to me that this scene, which depicts sex as a beautiful thing, is the one people get upset about, but no one has complained about the attack scene. I worried people would find it too graphic and disturbing, but that hasn’t been the case. It’s all very fascinating to me.

7. Speaking of critics, what has been the toughest criticism you’ve been given as an author? Best compliment? How did you handle those comments?

I don’t read reviews any more. If my agent or my editor says something needs to be changed, or fixed, I listen. Don’t get me wrong –I love to hear from readers, and I value their opinion. But reviews aren’t written for me – they’re written for public consumption, and I’m not the public. I’m the author, and it’s just too personal. So, as a general rule, I don’t read them.

8. If you could time-travel, what age or era would you go back to?

I’d pop into the Regency era in England for a while, but only if I knew for sure I could come back. I love indoor plumbing and vaccinations and Chick-Fil-A too much.

9. How much research did you have to do to write The Mephisto Covenant, Book 1? Where did you find your research?

Primarily, The History of Hell, by Alice K. Turner. Fascinating book!

10. The first book is based on Ajax and his life, and we loved Ajax! I’ve heard the second book is about Xenos. Will we see a book for each of the brothers? Does that mean Eryx will get a book of his own as well?

Actually, the second book is about a different brother, but we’re keeping his identity under our hat for now. I signed a two book contract with Egmont, so unless they buy more, the second one, which will be out next Fall, is the end of the series. I’d love to write one for each brother, and yes, I think Eryx’s would be epic. I will say, he’s in Book 2 a lot, and he just gets more evil.

11. If you could choose four authors, dead or alive, to make up your very own dream critique group, who would they be and why?

P.C. Cast, because I think she’s an amazing storyteller, Loretta Chase, because she’s one of the very best romance writers out there, Truman Capote, because even though he was half-baked a lot of the time, he was a genius at character building, and J.K. Rowling, because, well, she’s J.K. Rowling.

12. Quickchoice or short answer questions:

a. Scruff or clean-shaven men: Scruff

b. Tattoos or piercings: Tats, hands down

c. Favorite donut: Dunkin Donuts coconut

d. Believe in love in first sight?: No

e. Biggest fear?: Cockroaches. Just typing that gave me the heebie jeebies.

f. Radio or Ipod: IPod when I’m writing – well, ITunes – and satellite radio in the car

g. Favorite take-out food: Fried chicken

Thank you so very much for having me here! Great questions that I loved answering.


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