“Breaking Dawn” DVD Sells 3.2 Million in Two Days!
Feb 16th, 2012 | By Kpsimmon | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News
You read that right! The Breaking Dawn-Part 1 DVD is flying off shelves according to MTV.com. Read more about this at http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1679385/breaking-dawn-dvd-sales.jhtml?xrs=eml_MTVNews2-2-16-breakingdawndvd
Have you gotten your copy yet??
I love the movies. I went 2 c the first part at the movies, then when it came out on DVD at wal-mart, I was the first in line & was at wal-mart from 5:30 til 12:00 just 2 get the first copy of the DVD! It was worth it though. TEAM EDWARD!