Happy Birthday, Kristen!

Apr 9th, 2012 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

We want to wish Kristen Stewart a happy, happy 22nd birthday! Here are some others who are celebrating in their own way:

The Fab Life has compiled a list of reasons, from Kristen’s fans, why she rules.

Movie Line talks about what they think is Kristen’s best moment onscreen.

PopSugar has an entire photo gallery devoted to KStew, from when she was a young’n til now!

Kristen’s Snow White and the Hunstman co-stars wish her a “happy birthday”.  See Sam Claflin’s (Prince William in the film) greeting and watch the birthday greetings from Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron over at Gossip Cop.

Photo: Splash News Online via Popsugar


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