Broadway World Interviews Breaking Dawn Choreographer Paul Becker

Jul 9th, 2012 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Remember the video we posted the other day of some of our favorite Twilight vamps practicing their dance moves? Now we have an interview from Paul Becker where he talks about his experience on the set of Breaking Dawn and, toward the end of the interview, he keeps mum about what we can expect to see in Breaking Dawn Part 2.

PC: What was the atmosphere on set like?
PB: Well, I got there and went to the theater that they were shooting in and we all clicked – we just jammed and it all came together right away. I mean, the next day I was working on the film!
PC: That fast.
PB: Yeah – it was a really great experience and they really set up a nice environment for everybody on that. Bill, because of his musical background, really respects the choreography and the choreographer. There is a new surge of dance going through film and TV right now – within the last seven years, really – and there is a new respect for choreographers. Prior to that, I felt a lot of the time like I was being hired as crew, whereas now you are being hired as an artist.
Read the rest at Broadway World.
(Photo: via Broadway World)
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