Day 3: TST Breaking Dawn Part 2 Countdown

Nov 14th, 2012 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Site News

Day 3 (Nov. 14)

Which interview of the cast has been your favorite? Why?

Krystal’s Video

Kallie: I really enjoyed each year that the cast was at Comic Con, but my favorite interview EVAH is the one we did with Stephenie Meyer before the release of Eclipse!  She was wonderful, and really made us feel special!

Kassie: wow…I loved interviewing Taylor onset of New Moon!!!! Really all the cast has been so great!

Stefanie: This one is hardest for me to answer because there are at least 1.5 million interviews to choose from! But, I think the interview/photo shoot that Entertainment Weekly did three years ago with Kristen and Taylor is my favorite. I haven’t watched it in forever but I remember them both talking about how much they liked Taylor Swift!  They were super cute and it was great just seeing the two of them goof-off with each other.