Day 1: TST Breaking Dawn Part 2 Countdown

Nov 16th, 2012 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Site News

Day 1 (Nov. 16)

What has been the most personally rewarding experience in the last few years?


Kallie: FRIENDS!  Meeting actors and seeing movies is awesome, but the awesome people I’ve met makes it all worth while!

Stefanie: By far it is the people I’ve met over the years because of Twilight (hey, fellow TST admins!)—wow, I can’t believe I can says it’s been years—and the great experiences I’ve had with friends going to midnight showings, conventions, tour stops, the Eclipse premiere, DVD and book release parties, and tons of other events. It’s crazy to think about the first time I watched Twilight back in ’09 (3 times in a row that night because I ended up loving it so much!) and all of the Twilight things I’ve gotten to do since then. It’s been a blast.

Krystal:  Can I just steal your answer, Stef?  I’ve met so many amazing people through TST and the Twiworld for the past 5 or so years (my lovely fellow TST admins at the top of that list).  It’s been so cool to share my book/movie obsession with my fellow Twilighters, and to know that I wasn’t alone in totally geeking out!  I’ve loved the opportunities I’ve had because of the blog (conducting interviews, screening movies, Comic-Con, press conferences, etc.), but the relationships are something that will last long after the final film is released.  Love ya, ladies!  🙂