Hey, everyone, my name is Krystal. I am a graduate student from West Michigan, (though I spent the first half of my life back home in Orange County, CA.) I started listening to Twilight Series Theories podcasts because I needed to know thatI wasn’t alone in my “Twilight” obsession! Sadly, no one in my life shares my love for all things Twilight, though I never give up hope of converting the world! I was looking for a well-organized podcast, a place to talk about all things Twilight, and I was way stoked to find that TST completely fit the bill (and the conversations reminded me of me and my sisters!). Soon after finding the podcast, I started perusing Kallie and Kassie’s website and was impressed by the fully-developed thoughts and earnest discussions taking place by its hosts and fans. Being a huge fan of all of Stephenie’s books, I look forward to being involved in TST and I hope to be able to contribute updates on any book or movie news may that arise. You can contact me at krystal.tst(at)hotmail(dot)com.
Hi! My name is Kelly! I work the music pages here at TST! I absolutely love almost any type of music! My favorite books would have to be the Twilight Saga, also I love to read! As far as my favorite movies, one is the 4th Harry Potter movie (yes it was my fave book and movie before I had even heard of Twilight!) As I said above I like many different types of music so picking favorites is just not possible for me! Oh also I am Team Edward! Now, don’t get me wrong, I have a soft spot for Jacob but Im totally Team Edward! I enjoy and look forward to working with everyone! You can contact me at kelly.tst@gmail.com
I am Lexi, a 26 year old web developer from Seattle. I first came to the Twilight universe through a chance finding on audible.com, and have converted most of my friends and family (I even tricked my husband into listening to them by telling him there were werewolves.) I have been to the Forks area, but before it was known as the home of Bella Swan, so the town itself held little draw… however, it IS as green and lush as Stephenie describes. Besides websites and twilight, I also enjoy music (I am a cellist), photography, comedy, fashion and design. My favorite books (non-stephenie meyer) are Love in the Time of Cholera, The Dogs of Babel, and The Unbearable Lightness of Being. If you have any comments, questions or concerns you can always reach me by email – lexi.tst@gmail.com
My name is Alex Malerba, and I recently moved from Florida to South Carolina. I got intrested in Twilight in 2006 from a friend. I love to read, my favorite authors are Stephenie Meyer(Of course) Ridley Pearson, and Joan-Foran. I will be helping out with the Twilight Series Theories Forums. I am very exicted to share my passion for Twilight, with the wonderful Twilight Series Theories staff, and all of you. If anyone has any other questions just feel free to email me at alexgmalerba@gmail.com.
Hey! I’m Stefanie. I graduated with my Bachelor’s in history and art (I know some history, but art, specifically photography, is where it’s at for me!) back in May after six long years of school. Ok, the last two years weren’t all that bad! I first heard about Twilight in May of 2008 while I was reading an article about the short-lived TV series Moonlight. (still sad that show’s gone!) I got the first book that Christmas, but didn’t read it till March of 2009 after I’d watched the movie on DVD. I know, I don’t understand why I waited so long to dive in either! It’s been downhill ever since then. No, I kid! It’s actually been a crazy year for me becauseTwilight kind of started the ball rolling for so many other things. I actually started reading books that weren’t school-related or Jane Austen novels (Come now, who else is with me on this? I didn’t even know other books existed except for children’s books and Nicholas Sparks!). Twilight opened me up to a whole new world: the world of YA. There’s some awesome stuff out there! I’ve been to some of the Twilight conventions, autograph signings, midnight showings, etc… and most recently I won a trip to the Eclipse premiere and after party. (Agh!! I still can’t believe I was actually there!) I feel like I’m writing my Twihard letter to Oprah all over again. LOL But honestly, I’ve gotten to do some awesome things this past year all because of Twilight. And now y’all will get to see a bit of me around here on Twilight Series Theories!
Hey everyone, McKell here! I run the “Trends” page, and it is my pride and joy 🙂 I’m a high school student from Utah! I love to watch anything twilight on youtube,and i love being crafty and running. I’m still undecided on if i love Edward orJacob more, so you could call me Switzerland. My favorite twilight quote has to be”Of all the things that could frighten you, you worry about my driving.” By that point of the book i fell in LOVE with Edward… that is until i met that cute La Push kid… haha anyways if you have any trends or concerns contact me at trends@twilightseriestheories.com.
Hola!! Mi nombre is Gina y estoy muy contenta de formar parte de TST. Soy originaria de la Ciudad de México y hace 10 años me mudé a los Estados Unidos. Primero viví en Tejas, después me fuí a vivir a Nueva York y ahora estoy otra vez en Tejas. Estudié Derecho en la ENEP Acatlán y casi toda mi familia está en México. Empezé a leer los libros de Crepúsculo porque me los regalaron, la verdad pensé que una historia de vampiros no me hiba a gustar pero estaba muy equivocada desde el primer momento en que empezé a leer Crepúsculo no pudé dejar de leerlo (al grado que ya leí los libros en Ingles y Español dos veces jaja). Después tuve la oportunidad de ir con mis amigas Kallie y Kassie al estreno de la película y ahora tengo la opurtunidad de ayudarlas con Twilight en Español!!! Me gustaría escuchar todos sus comentarios y preguntas y si tienen alguna sugerencia también, mi correo electrónico es gina_gage@hotmail.com. Muchas gracias!!
Hi!! My name is Gina and I’m very glad to be a part of TST. I’m original from México City and ten years ago I moved to The States. When I first moved here I lived in Texas later I moved to New York and now I’m back in Texas. I went to Law School in México City and almost all my family is still there. I got the Twilight books as a gift and in the beginning I wasn’t sure that I wouldn’t like a vampire story but I was so wrong!! From the first moment I read Twilight I fell in love with them. I was so impressed that I told all my family and friends about them (I’m so bad that I read the books in Spanish and English..twice!! haha). Later, I had the opportunity to go to the Twilight premier with my friends Kallie and Kassie and now I have the opportunity to help them with TST en Español!!! Please email me your comments, questions and suggestions at gina_gage@hotmail.com Thanks so much!!
I am Michelle Patrick. Married and the mother of one eleven year old son. My birthday is July 5, 1971. (I am an old twilighter.)
Who I am: A mom first. A wife second. And third, an avid information freak book lover, photographer, wanna be artist, cook, city girl who knows there’s a zipper somewhere in here that will reveal my nature girl. Twilight is my favorite book series of all time, and I’ve read a lot of books. Why? It is not easy to write a well-written book that draws the reader into an entire world. Stephanie Meyer is brilliant. She is a the ultimate readers author. Of course my first reaction to the Twilight book was Edward. Reading about Edward made me feel like a young woman again. All of the things that as a young girl you think about in men. The movies are just icing on the cake. The 3D image of a world that is created is the bonus!
Oh that’s about all I will write. I’m just not that exciting. LOL
Hey there fellow Twilighters! My name is Jenna and I am so excited to be helping out on Twilight Series Theories. I am 25 and currently living in the Atlanta, GA area. I work full-time (to pay the bills) and am currently working on my Masters degree (almost done!). I love music (playing or listening), reading, and cuddling with my cat, Charlie. Usually, those all end up happening together. When I find a book I love – I can’t put it down and will often times read it over and over and over again…kind of like I did with Twilight. I read all 3 books 4 times in 3 weeks. I just couldn’t stop. My boyfriend likes to tell me that I’m going to turn into a book because I read so much. Thankfully, without much effort at all, I was able to convert my cousin, Abbey, to the glory of the Twilight Series. She has become my “call any time I have a theory or when news about the books or movie has come out” person. Because of my love of podcasts, I searched iTunes for Twilight podcasts and that was how I found the lovely Twilight Series Theories podcast and site. I loved them both immediately! Needless to say, I am happy to be here and so excited to be working in the new forum. Bring on the discussion! If you’d like to reach me, don’t hesitate to email me at: jenna.marks@ymail.com
Hey everyone! I’m Nicole, a college student from California. I’ll be helping out with posting stories about Twilight videos from YouTube (often referred to lovingly as “TwiTube”). There are a lot of hilarious parodies out there, and I look forward to sharing them with you!
Hi my name is Muna, and I’m a senior in high school. I’m pretty excited to be joining the TST Staff, specifically the music pages and news, and I’ve been listening to the podcast since around March of 2008. I’ve been hooked ever since I first listened to the show. The first time I got into the Twilight Fandom was when I reviewed the book for my middle school librarian and that was almost 4 years ago and I still love the series. Although I do have my qualms with Breaking Dawn, this series and the fandom will always be in my heart. My favorite books are Catcher in the Rye, Jane Eyre, the Harry Potter series and I currently plan on reading 50 books during 2009. Just, thought I’d put it out there that I’m Team Jacob, not that I think that him and Bella are great together I just think he is a fantastic foil to Edward and I simply like him more. You can reach me at greenteafrappucino@gmail.com just send me an e-mail whenever and I promise to get back to you.