All entries by this author

The Cast Talks About Halloween Costumes

Oct 29th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV has a new video of the cast talking about Twilight-themed Halloween costumes, which you can see below!

Taylor’s Favorite Movie

Oct 29th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Reelz Channel has a brief video of Taylor talking about his favorite movie, which you can see below! Brave Heart New Moon Taylor Lautner | Movie Trailers

Hurricane Bell’s “Monsters”

Oct 29th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Music

The Twilight Parents Examiner has a new article on Hurricane Bells that includes information on where in New Moon the song “Monsters” appears, as well as how the song came about! “They sent me the clip- it’s apparently the first song in the movie,” says Steve, clueless as to the frenzy that becomes a die-hard
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Edward/Volvo Trailer

Oct 29th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Here is a new Volvo/New Moon trailer/ad from the What Drives Edward campaign!  Check out the new footage below!

Elizabeth Reaser Talks Esme

Oct 28th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Elizabeth Reaser talked to MTV about playing Esme, as well as which cast member she thinks would make a great Esme! MTV: As the “Saga” continues filming, do you feel like you’re growing into your character more or less? Reaser:”No, I feel like I’m nothing like my character. It’s interesting to me that I get
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Let’s Talk Halloween Candy!

Oct 28th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Music

MTVU has a new video of some of the cast talking about their favorite candy!  What a very important question!  What type of candy do/did you always look forward to getting on Halloween?  And what kind did you always try to pawn off on friends?  😉

New Moon…Packing Tape?

Oct 28th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Merchandise

Hot Topic has some new merchandise on their site, including…packing tape.  Yes, I said packing tape.  Uh…I really like the pillowcase.

“Meet The Wolf Pack” Featurette

Oct 28th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MSN has now posted the “Meet the Wolf Pack” featurette, which you can see here in HD! You can also download an exclusive screen saver from New Moon on Vitamin Water’s Facebook page.

“Defining New Moon” Now On Sale!

Oct 28th, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles, Merchandise

Defining New Moon, the follow-up to the Defining Twilight workbook, hits stores today!  Here is the official press release: Defining New Moon Vocabulary Workbook for Unlocking the *SAT, ACT®, GED®, and SSAT® October 26, 2009 – Why is Bella desolate and haggard? Will Jacob win her over with his infectious affability? Can Edward dare to
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New Moon Cast TV Appearances

Oct 28th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Gossip Cop has a list of promotional TV appearances scheduled for the cast of New Moon!  According to the site: Kristen: Conan O’Brien & The Today Show on Nov. 16 Rob: David Letterman on Nov. 18, Today Show on Nov. 19, Ellen on Nov. 20 Taylor: Today Show on Nov. 20 Ashley: Letterman on Nov.
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