Breaking Dawn Release Parties
Breaking Dawn Release Parties
Hey everyone! Since most of our staffers all went to a release party for Breaking Dawn, we thought it would be cool if we all shared our experiences! On this page you will find thoughts and photos from around the county, brought to you by Twilight Series Theories volunteers. And be sure to comment with all of YOUR great experiences too!
McKell: B&N Bountiful, Utah
Okay everyone this was one of the best experiences i have had in my life!!
No joke there, but i will start now. Our fun started at 4:00 am in the
morning of July 31, we arrived at Barnes and Noble, and well… waited in
line, but that was a little boring so me and my friends took it into our
own hands and made signs that said “honk for twilight!” and we stood in
the gutter and held them up and counted our honks and our line was very
good at helping us! haha we just had so much fun.

ready, we got going to our party 😀 Me and my friend Kenzie had real men
sparkle outfits on, and so we covered our selves in soo much glitter, and
went in, did the trivia, the usual Twilight Party Stuff, then we went to
the costume contest, and they were getting started when one of their
staffers said, “Wheres Emily? She IS Bella” and everyone was like thinking
“What??” Then a lady walked up to the front, and they said something like
“Do you know who this is? This is Emily, Stephenie Meyers sister” and
everyone freaked out lol. She was the nicest lady too, and we even got our
picture with her 😀

costume contest, (He even smelled good!!!)

done by the end of the weekend 🙂
Chelsea: B&N Lynnhaven, Virginia Beach
Hey Everyone!!
Chelsea here, and I’m here to give you the lo-down on what transpired at the Lynnhaven Barnes & Noble Release party that I went to! So if you’re not already reading Breaking Dawn…go ahead and take a quick look at how much fun there was! My boyfriend, best friend & I went to Barnes and Noble completely dressed in Twilight gear (Eric in a shirt with “I’m her Edward…exactly her brand of heroin”), (Jenn in her Jacob or Edward…why can’t I have both??), & (ME in my Team Switzerland because I refuse to be affected by territorial land disputes between mythical creatures!!). My boyfriend was hit on so many times because of his shirt too! Whereas I felt like I was totally lying to the world with my Switzerland tank because well… TEAM EDWARD! (I just liked the quote :P) I didn’t get to do a lot because I got there too late but I was able to meet some fantastic people! There were some fantastic events like Bookmark Creating, Bracelet making, Costume Contests, Polaroid Prom Pictures & soooo much more!! I met up with Rachel at the B&N and got to meet her Jacob, her 8 week old puppy named Beau. A pure Siberian Husky puppy with the calmest disposition and his owner was just the same. “I got to bring my own Jacob…so it was like perfect timing!” Rachel said as we waited for our ticket group to be called. The Costume Contest was great and there were some great entries but my favorite by far is in a photo below! A little girl dressed as Jane I believe. So great! It was truly a lot of fun and I did take some photos but I apologize for the quality as they were taken by my cell phone…(lol my camera decided to desert me!). Check these out and if you were there, I’m totally sorry I didn’t chat with you!! YAY BREAKING DAWN!Little Jane at the Costume Contest 🙂
Beau and Rachel hanging out with us!
Me and my boyfriend (this is actually a photo of a polaroid lol sorry it’s so blown out)
We won stickers!
Krystal: Grand Rapids, MI

Hey everyone!!!
I’m gabby and I went to the release party in Alabama. The few days leading up to the release party were stressful. I had just arrived off the plane and was making plans for the barns and noble I was to attend. I was incredibly excited and couldn’t wait till I could finally hold this phenomenal book in my hand. The day of the release party I hung with my friends Dustin and Danielle and my mom. I got my hair and make up done and I dressed up as Alice. I had planned to where an amazing tee shirt I made but ended up not wearing it until later. When we arrived at the party we were already late so I arrived just in time for trivia. Our team won, being able to answer every Question before any of the other teams had time to buzz in. We had a fashion show and I saw some amazing costumes. There was a lady in a wedding dress, there was a couple who were Alice and jasper and there was Victoria, and more. I had an amazing time but alas it was time to head home. We decided that we would head home and stop at the books a million to check out there party. When we got there we were amazed. There was an amazing crowd there. There were people dressed as the vulturi and as newborn vampires. I met a girl that had on an amazing vampire contest and she was incredibly nice. After partying it up there we finally got the book and the party was over. We headed on home while I couldn’t resist opening that book.