Stephenie Meyer
Aug 3rd, 2008 | By Alex | Category: Book NewsUSA Today has an article about Stephenie Meyer. Check your local news paper for the article!
USA Today has an article about Stephenie Meyer. Check your local news paper for the article!
Hey Everyone!! Chelsea here, and I’m here to give you the lo-down on what transpired at the Lynnhaven Barnes & Noble Release party that I went to! So if you’re not already reading Breaking Dawn…go ahead and take a quick look at how much fun there was! My boyfriend, best friend & I went to
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Ok people! As much as we love you coming to our site, right now you need to be watching the Breaking Dawn concert! Im watching it now and its AMAZING! Have a great August 1st/2nd! Click here! -Kelly 🙂
Just to remind you guys where the TST staffers will be! How will you know it’s one of us? We are all planning on either wearing Twilight Series Theories gear or we will have red ribbon on our wrist or in our hair. Here are our locations: Kallie & Kassie: After their NYC show earlier
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Seth has updated Stephenie website with news. For those of you planning to attend midnight parties, I would like to remind you that trying to read the book while driving home is not considered safe driving. My recommendation is to leave Breaking Dawn in the bag until you get home. Have a fun and safe
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The Twilight Guy has read chapter 6 of New Moon (Friends)! Check out what he’s saying about it here!
Here is the next quote from Breaking Dawn! OME you guys, it’s down to hours! AHHHHHH!!!!! Bella: “Should I be afraid?” Edward: “Terrified.”
The Wall Street Journal has an interview with Stephenie Meyer as well as an article on “The ‘Twilight’ Zone.” You can also listen to Stephenie read from Breaking Dawn here!
Business Week has an article on the various fan sites devoted to the Twilight series, which includes many prominent web sites!
The Chicago Tribune has an article on the key ingredients in making the Twilight series successful. To check it out, click here!