Fan Reports
This page includes fan reports from various events and premieres that were previously featured on TST.
Eternal Twilight 3: Birmingham
Fan Report by Laura
So the weekend was your basic twilight convention; autographs, photos, parties, talks and general madness with a little bit of UK/European filth throw into the mix. The line up for the weekend was Charlie Bewley (Demetri), Jamie Campbell Bower (Caius), Christopher Heyderdahl (Marcus), Tinsel Korey (Emily) and Kiowa Gordon (Embry). All the actors were really friendly and all the Volturi gang made alot of dirty jokes and funny references that totally stole my heart from Jamie’s constant British humour, Charlie’s never ending flirting to the audience that no one was going to argue with and Chris giving both the younger Brits a run for their money on both counts! Tinsel and Kiowa were both slightly quiet in comparison but were by no means quiet. Tinsel as the only female guest in attendance kept the lads in check with their naughtiness and Kiowa enjoyed his time meeting and sharing with new fans.
After the first evening’s introductions to the guests the gold pass members got their wine reception and the rest of us got ready for the Jasper inspired Civil War themed party. Alot of fun seeing all the Gone with the Wind-esqe outfits and general fun times.
Saturday for us standard people involved mainly getting our autographs and a chance to explore the dealers room and the costume display that was brought over from the States by John Henson who not only owned these wonderful items but was the costume designer on the Hillywood Show’s parody of New Moon. As an added bonus for this weekends event we were treated to a guest appearance by the talented Richelle Mead, author of the Vampire Academy series and Succubus Blue books (I highly recommend the Vampire Academy series; read, read, READ). There was a stall put together by Penguin books (her UK publishing group) where we could ‘enroll’ at St Vladimir’s (the school in the novels) and purchase the book series as they’ve only just been all released in the UK. I could finally return my borrowed US editions to my cousin and get my own. Plus free badges always get my attention. She signed copies of her books and after I finished gushing to her I gave her a small gift which I later found had been posted on her blog (O.M.G.)
The afternoon involved a group talk with the Volturi boys which saw them enter dressed in their robes (loan to them by John H) and totally get the level of the room which was basically British style smut and humour. I’m shocked that there wasn’t a ‘THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID’ shouted out after ever guest response. Chris made a shout out to his Supernatural fans (woot), Charlie was his usual charming self speaking French and also answering a question put to him by my cousins and I about one of his tweets referencing Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series. He said he kept getting told he’d be a great Jace and if he was offered it and the character and script was good he be sure to look into it. EPIC! Jamie talked about some of his previous work and his music and all three made fun of their characters on occasion. The next talk saw Kiowa and Tinsel talking about muffins, how they got their roles and favourite scenes in the movies as well as their love of performing music. They both sang a little to much applause and seemed much more at ease by the afternoon talks compared with their friday night introductions. The final talk of the day was a complete group were Chris basically took centre stage with his witty comments and played off Jamie’s camp batter during most of the questions. This was followed by an auction of twilight stuff and exclusive items, all of which were too rich for my blood. The dinner with the guests for two people that evening went for around £600 I believe.
Saturday night’s party was Graduation Party themed as seen in Eclipse and not only was the music pretty decent we had several fair ground booths to play and a bouncy castle. I had my 5 year moment and a good jump around on that until I exhausted myself! This party went pretty late with a few of the guest dropping by but by 2am we left due to sleepiness and knowing we had an early morning photo shoot.
Sunday began after a swift breakfast with our photo shoot with Charlie. SUCH A FAN FAVE! He was smiling and fake biting people. The cutest thing was when a little girl went up for her turn he bent down and said hi and swooped her up in his arm and held her for the photo so they were the same height. adorable. i had a bit of a swoon fest about that photo. Though I couldn’t afford to do a photo with everyone I did get another with Jamie and he was ever so sweet and has a huge grin in my photo making me smile twice as hard. My cousin Alex had a photo with Kiowa and was fairly delighted finding out he was taller than Kiowa (though Alex is nearly 6ft tall so most people are shorter than him even if he’s only 14).
The last day of talks began early with a lone talk with Jamie as he was rushing off to the BAFTAs that evening and we got to learn that he wasn’t wearing any underwear that day (no suprises that this got a huge reaction from the mainly female audience) to hear about his love of cheese as well as his twitter, work on the movies, working with Johnny Depp on Sweeney Todd and his band The Darling Buds. We were also treated to a little info on his recent work on the soon to be released Harry Potter movie and comparisons of the fans and fandom; basically Twilight fans are nuts but in a good way! The next talk was Charlie and Kiowa and then Chris and Tinsel and apart from a few questions about their work on the movie, hopes for future acting and next projects they talked about their favourite places and life during and post twilight mania and how they dealt with it. The afternoon finished with a group talk again though without Jamie who had left for London all of which ended with huge thanks for the awesome weekend from both the fans and the guest. Though the evening party that night was a Newborn Vampire theme myself and my cousins had to leave for our return to London as we had work/school/college the next day but all in all we had a wonderful weekend!
I know more happened at the weekend and there were lots more I could say but I can’t remember everything and I’m sorry for this but nothing too exclusive was announced except for hints at scenes in Eclipse. They mentioned filming the scenes at the graduation party when the wolves and vamps team up and the show down scenes at the end with the Volutri but no major details really. The costumes for the Volturi are ment to develop in as such that they are more detailed in Eclipse or so we hear.
Eternal Twilight 2: London
Fan Report by Laura.
This past weekend was the 2nd UK Twilight Convention and naturally I had to go!
I’d been waiting for this con since the end of the last one literally as I bought my ticket on the last day of the 1st con!
So the weekend began with myself and my 2 cousins on the 2 hr coach ride to Northampton from London and found a fair few other Twilighters on the coach too. lol.
Once checking in etc the time came for the opening ceremony which is generally a quick hi from the weekend’s guest and a run down of what is to come over the next few days. Rachelle LeFevre sadily couldn’t make the actual opening ceremony but I believe she made some of the Gold pass drinks reception and then later on she popped in to the 1st night party too. It was made clear that for known reasons she wouldn’t be discussing the whole Summit/Victoria situation over the weekend and we were asked not to mention it and naturally no one did because to be honest that wasn’t what the weekend was about. She had her opinion and Summit had there own one too.
Edi Gathegi started the laughs by putting on a Nigerian accent and pretending that it was his ‘real voice’ and then after dropping it he then looked at the convention sign behind the stage and asked the organizer, Mark, where was his face (it only showed Edward, Jake and Bella) and then knocked his chair over. We all laughed and he smiled, added general chatter and sat down. loved him already.
then we got MORE BOYS. lol. In came Gil Birmingham, Tyson Houseman and Chaske Spencer. They all shared their excitement for the weekend and meeting people and Tyson admitted this was his second ever convention so he was sort of a newbie.
Then after they left we all returned to our rooms to change for the first night’s party: Baseball with the Cullens. The main hall was decorated with a popcorn and candy floss machine, a rodeo bull, or a sheep really to play into the lion and lamb theme and blue and white colours everywhere for the baseball. A great evening that we stayed to til round 11.30pm before turning in to prepare the 1st full day or events!
Up early, breakfast done, kicking off with a signing with Rachelle at 9am. she was lovely and bubbly and had the most amazing ring on that she said she had bought in Vancouver while on the New Moon set and it was made by a local artist there. It was a large silver ring about the size of half her finger. (i have a thing for BIG rings). Then the rest of the day was a blur of photo shoots with the guests including Chaske Spencer who gave me the biggest hug and made my life, and one more autograph from Tyson Houseman who seemed a little quiet but totally understandable considering he’s new to the whole twilight fandom and the craziness. lol. he was still very sweet and lovely to everyone!
The afternoon panels were made up of ‘Gil Birmingham & Edi Gathegi’, ‘Rachelle LeFevre’ and ‘Tyson Houseman & Chaske Spencer’. Tyson and Chaske shared their love for music and finding new bands and sharing musical tastes and how they worked out as a pack and Chaske had a little playlist going including stuff such as Metalica and his fave song line was ‘Take me down to the paradise city, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty’ by Guns & Roses. They also said that other bands they’d want on the OST would be bands like White Lies etc whom they both loved but said the actual OST is SO good they’d buy it even if they weren’t interested in the series just for the music. Rachelle talked lovingly about her career, the fans and her work and got a little choked up at one point remember her ‘great memories’ and once the talk ended she paused to thank all the fans for their support and words of love during ‘the thing’ and how much she loved everything. Gil and Edi are too too too funny for their own good. They discussed Twilight and New Moon and Gil talked about how he was driving the truck in Twilight to give Edward the ‘death stare’ and then suddenly was in a wheelchair was mainly a techinally thing because he had to be on that side of the truck to ‘stare’. lol. Edi talked about the prank he played on Jaskson calling up claiming to be a PA called Kelly about his hair having to be changed because the director didn’t like it and Jackson told his agent, who agreed it was awful and then Edi confessed it was him
The evening party was ‘The Volutri Masquerade Ball’ and the main hall had been done up amazingly with hanging fabrics from the ceiling, pillars and ivy etc and EVERYONE looked amazing in their gowns, capes, suits and various masks. There was a band for an hour or so doing various covers and more music till 2am when we left but I think it went on much longer than that. The guests came out to party too and Edi, Chaske and Rachelle could be seen grinding and shaking it on the dancefloor in masqurade masks with the fans too.
Early start to que to get my ticket for the next event and feeling a tad rough from the night before but after breakfast in me we went off to get our signing from Edi and Chaske (swoon). Both had Macs and iTunes going playing music while thier signed and both commented on liking my Batman tee. I also happened to have a ‘I <3 SPN’ pin on my Con ID strap and was asked what it stood for by one of the event workers (Supernatural, naturally) and when I mentioned it Edi asked to see and said how he loved Supernatural which made me more than happy to share my passion for, haha. Again Chaske was amazing to meet and has a voice that could melt butter.
After a quick dip out to the dealers room which had a ton of offical merch this time round we got our last autograph from Gil who was charming as ever and a great edition to the weekends event.
Afternoon talks were a little behind schedule but once inside we had the Quileute tribe (Chaske, Tyson and Gil), the vamps (Edi and Rachelle) and then a group talk before the closing ceremony.
Summary of the talks were that Claire will be mentioned in Eclipse as Quil’s imprint but won’t be featured, though it was discussed and was considered to be ‘just wierd’ so the idea was left. (agreed!). They they were vamps they’d be ‘meat-eaters’. For the role of Quil he auditioned and it was his 1st ever audition and he got it. Gil and Chaske have worked together and known each other for over 10yrs from various other projects. Gill enjoyed finding out there was a big following for Buffy (hale yes, whedonverse love). They all did a quick howl for us and Gil growled too. The boys have read the books but Chaske admitted he only read New Moon and Eclipse so he could make character notes etc but plans to read the rest asap. They said alot of other things too but I was in tears with laughter from all the jokes that I can’t remember it all.
Edi and Rachelle clearly got on really well and Rachelle helped out Edi with his french accent as she’s french-canadian, she kinda stalked him for 4 hrs on the 1st day because she thought she knew him from somewhere else and it turned out that she’d seen him on ‘House’ (lol). Edi only autioned for the part because he’d worked with the casting director before and knew she worked on great stuff but after reading the script thought it wasn’t him at all but went any way and after meeting Catherine REALLY wanted the part. Rachelle heard about the part from a friend and after reading the books over a weekend she was desperate for an audition. Edi does an amazing ‘girl’ voice but it’s very creepy too!
Then the final talk, the whole gang, was so so funny with all the group kind of just chatting and joking with each other and picking on one and other too. highlights includes them sharing what thing they would go to cons to or had an obsession over like we did for twilight. Chaske loves Battlestar Galatica, Tyson picked Lost, Edi had Family Guy and I can’t remember who Gil or Rachelle picked. Generally they all talked about their experiences filming, doing stunt work, working together, the fans, the fandom and some of their other work and personal interests such as music, sports and photography.
there were loads of stories i could tell you and endless small details i could add but to be honest this report is huge as it is but feel free to ask more questions if there are any!
sorry for any mistakes I may have made but i seem to have a cold after the weekend so am slightly dozey on cold meds. last time it was the Facinelli flu everyone caught so this time i’m calling it the Chaske Cold.
Laura H
Hello Twilighters,
Here is my report on last weekend`s happenings at and around “Twiprom London”, organised by Massive Events.
Like for many of the UK / European fans who had attended the sold-out con “Eternal Twilight” in March, it was totally out of question for me whether or not to come to the London “Twiprom”.
The initial idea behind the event was to give people who could for whatever reason not make it to “Eternal Twilight” the chance to attend a smaller but therefore more private con in either London or Birmingham. The London event started out Friday and ended Saturday afternoon whereas the party in Birmingham started Saturday night and ended Sunday afternoon. One aspect I particularly liked about the concept was that the tickets were much cheaper than the ones for the first con, mostly due to the fact that Twiprom was only a two-day event and would have less guests in attendance. Countless fans have already expressed their excitement and appreciated to be given the opportunity to meet the cast and fellow fans even without possessing a cash cow.
I was nothing less than blown off my feet by the spirit of the March con and have the greatest memories of it but nonetheless, I have to admit that I even had a better time at the smaller “Twiprom”. It was great seeing many of my new friends again and since there were only about 150 – 200 attendees in London (my estimation…), everyone had a fair chance of communicating with the cast, take pics, get signatures and exchange a few words about whatever was of interest.
When the event first got advertised, Kellan and Jose Zuniga (who plays the teacher Mr. Molina) were announced as the guest stars. Sadly, Kellan had to cancel due to scheduling difficulties but the fantastic Showmasters team around Mark and Jason were able to bring Charlie Bewley (funny, adorable goofball) and Daniel Cudmore (lovely, laid-back “colossus”) to the UK. Let me say, they outdid themselves! Charlie, Daniel and Jose were amazing guests who showed a lot of appreciation and dedication to the whole franchise and the fans. All three of them stayed at the party until very late (or early in the morning) and let the attendees take pictures, chatted and gave us a few intesting insights on filming, working on a large project like “Twilight” and their personal backgrounds.
We all celebrated the guests, our love for “Twilight” and old and new friendships at the main party, the prom. Mind-blowing dresses and costumes swayed over the dancefloor that even the guests shared with us. Seven more than lucky ladies bought / won a dance with Charlie, Daniel or Jose and seemed to enjoy themselves to the fullest 😉
There was also a group photoshoot will all the guests included in the ticket plus all attendeeds were given the chance to get more pictures with the guest(s) of their choice taken. Of course, getting these gorgeous photographs signed was possible the next day! Charlie, Daniel and Jose proved a lot of patience when it came to personalizing and also took their time to have a quick word with the fans.
The guest talk on Saturday afternoon sure was one of the many highlights of the event. We heard many funny little stories about filming in Italy, how it felt to become a member of the Twilight-family and what the guests felt like when experiencing the intensity of the whole phenomenon.
I cannot wait for “Eternal Twilight 2”!
xxx Tara xxx
Eternal Twilight Convention
Our super awesome friend Laura Heath was one of the lucky Twilighters to attend the Eternal Twilight Convention last weekend and she was kind enough to share her experience with us! Below is her report.
Friday we headed to the Park Inn to register, get our Passes and gift packs which had a Con tote bag, exclusive T-shirt, a red apple (ala the book cover), some badges, La Push Beach stick of rock, photo pack, Forks Police mug and weekend schedule.
Then the main hall for the opening ceremony and we got introduced to the guests for the weekend, screaming ensued as did flash photography. Because me and my cousin were gold pass holders we then moved onto the drinks reception with the guests; free wine and candy and we met Peter Facinelli and Kellan Lutz directly and also saw all the other guests as well as other gold pass attendees
Then the first party night started at 8.30 and it was a La Push Beach Party and this meant, shades, wellies, beach wear, rain macks and a variety of colours, lol. We kept going til about 12.30am but had an early start and so then went to bed to be fresh and bright for morning photo shoots.
Mostly the Gold and Silver passes had their photo shoots and most of our signings today so it was basically a balance of going between lines and have a look in the dealer’s room which had a variety of photos to get signed, hand made and custom twilight stuff like key chains, coasters, magnets etc, a jewelry stall, a mixed fandom stall with pretty things, postcards and film cells of movie promo stills and promo press shoots and a lovely lady talking about the Twilight tour in the States.
My photo with Kellan was great cause my shirt matched his outfit and he commented on this saying ‘Hey, we match; i like that!’ to which all i could muster up was ‘me too’. hahaha, Peter was very sweet as was Ashley. Justin and Christian seemed a little more shy compared to everyone else but with the amount of people there all craving their attention I would be the same!
At my signings I was lucky enough to get the Kellan slot done early as he had gotten through more people than they though,t but Justin was really chatty with each person meaning my signing got moved to the Sunday instead. Christian asked were I was from cause she thought my accent was American not from London to which I got embarrassed and had to explain that I tend to pick up other people’s accents when i hear them and wasn’t being rude and she laughed saying that she just meant there were so many other accents around she couldn’t tell, and to her credit there were people from all of Europe, America and even Australia so it’s easy to think I sounded different.
The talks in the afternoon were really interesting with loads of insider stories and info from the cast about Twilight and their other projects and lots of laughs, especially from Kellan as he seemed to be loving up the crowd’s attention and response to him. He rocked! Sadly, Peter wasn’t feeling well so his voice kept breaking and he was a tad sleepy from cold meds but wanted to stay for the whole time slot and made a ton of effort to answer everything he could. The cast sung the praises of all the cast and crew on the movie, to Stephenie for her writing and how they were fans of the books and why and their enjoyment at working with Catherine.
Then before we broke for the evening party there was an auction and to say the prices were out of my range is an understatement. There was a copy of Breaking Dawn signed by Stephenie Meyer that went for over £500! The best item was 2 sales of a slow dance with Peter at the Prom party which we all got to watch that night and though i couldn’t afford it, it didn’t stop me and everyone from being sooo envious of the girls who won. After the auction it was announced that the next event for twilight in the UK in October would be on sale exclusive to attentees of this event on the sunday morning before general release and that the first confirmed guest would be Billy Burke aka Bella’s dad Charlie Swan. YES! Plus because of the success of this event that the production company would be hopefully be working more closely with them. Even better news!
The Prom night was the best with the set was great with casino tables and games in the bar and in the entrance to the dance floor they had set up a stand that looked exactly like the one at the end of the movie where Bella and Edward have their final dance. so amazing. Kellan came to the bar for a while but was a bit mobbed so left early and Peter stayed after his slow dances and was witnessed by many including myself bopping to Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat it’
So slightly less early start we had breakfast and went down to get ticket for the October event and get our last items signed and got to have a nice chat with Justin Chon whom had caught Peter’s cold from the day before and in the Q & A later it sounded like Kellan was coughing a bit too. I asked Justin if this was the case and he was very animated about this being the case and so he signed my book saying ‘dammm you Peter’ lol. I felt bad he was ill so went out and bought some cough drops and passed them on to one of his Crew Attendants who thanked me. The afternoon talks were better than the day before (shockingly) as the girls chatted to each other as girls tend to do about funny stories, likes and dislikes and costumes bits etc and the boys played up to the fact that over 90% of the audience was female, haha. The final group panel was more a funny/random question type of session with questions like ‘what’s you strangest/most memorable dream?’ Peter and Kellan were the definite winners of that session as they were SO SO FUNNY and played off each other with such timing that only comes from true friendship.
The closing ceremony was short but sweet and made us all sad to have to leave as the organisers were all so humble at how much the fans worked with them and were a part of the event’s success The party in the evening was quite quiet and so we left at 11.30 because we were pretty tired from the rest of the weekend and so watched some True Blood on Becky’s laptop before going to bed.
Memorable moments from the Q & As
Peter: Prove It!!
Who’d play you in a movie? Peter: ‘The Peter Facinelli Story’ starring Tom Cruise as Peter Facinelli *laughs*
when talking about if it’s important to go to acting school the idea is compared to if you wanna be a dotor you don’t just wake up and go perform a surgery to which Peter adds ‘unless you’re Peter Facinelli’ this continues as a theme, lol.
When talking about the Jeep in the movie Kellan says his love for it and how as it got dirtier he loved it more to which an audience member shouts ‘I love that you love it dirty’. Classic British audience.
Ashley is looking forward to the Yellow Poshce in the next movie
Justin sang ‘Of Angels and Angles’ by ‘The Decemberists’ and said the worm line and La Push baby!
Christian talking about her dogs and thoughts on shopping for a prom dress in the movie thinking she could pick her own only to end up having some chosen for her. lol.
Justin’s line about the worm was totally improvised
Kellan talked about the missing clip from the first tralier aka it’s wrong edward and how it was improve and doesn’t know exactly why it got cut but might be due to some stuff on the net and complaints online that it wasn’t directly from the book
Ashley is in the middle of setting up her new home and is just realising how much little stuff you miss having from home like being about to find stationary when you need it
ter deciding to stop half way down the audience and sit down and take a photo with a fan before joining kellan and justin on stage (just behind me!)
Kellan brought along 2 friends and they got the MC to ask him who were his two best friend’s
Kellan is currently listening to daddy gone by T.I. and Justin Timberlake which he laughed about as his friend’s called it Kellan’s song due to the amount of times he keeps playing it, Peter is listening to So what by Pink which Ashley thought was funny.
When asked if they were in a movie role as a gay character who they’d want to have playing their love interest Justin couldn’t think of anyone, Ashley and Christian agreed about Angelina Jolie, Anna Faris and a model whose name i forget, Peter said Brad Pitt and Kellan briefly lost his voice and then decided on a picture of James dean because then it was just a picture.
Laura from London xoxo
(If you have any questions for Laura about the weekend’s festivities, you can email me at and I will forward her your inquiries!)
You may remember that Laura sent us her report from the UK movie premiere back in December. You can see that here!
Thanks again, Laura!
London Premiere
Awesome Twilight fan Laura was kind enough to send us her report from the London premiere yesterday in Leicester Square! Here is her report, along with some cool pictures
hey guys.
love the show so much and thought i’d give you a quick round up of the london premiere from a fan point of view. i arrived at 8.45am and waited the whole day in the VERY cold weather. there were about 40 ish people when i arrived and by the end of the night there were …. thousands.
The whole event was great, though the smoke machine was a bit much as it kept smoking us out when the stars arrived. Catherine was so lovely and came out to see us after doing a load of interviews and when we told her how long we’d been outside she couldn’t believe we’d survived so long in the cold and signed books and posters etc, she also agreed it wasn’t fair we have to wait til the 19th to see the movie!
Kristen kinda just went by and did interviews and signed a few bits for fans that happened to be by the press pits and then went inside; bit dissapointing but she looked lovely and when she was interviewed by alex zane (a popular uk presenter that was introducing and interview guests and stars for the crowd as they came in) she said that our event was much bigger than the LA event.
Rob…ah Rob. what a sweetheart! he did his thing for the cameras and interviews and then mut have gone round the whole circuit of fans. when he came to my lot he was all smiles and chatty. He signed stuff and when one girl i made friends with on the day asked if he was happy to be home he turned and said ‘um YES’ and i shouted that we were glad to have him back. I had a fantastic time and got interviewed by the BBC too and then was on the 6 o’clock news for like 3 seconds with my friends. WIN!
Thanks Laura!