Screen Caps and Movie Stills

393 Comments to “Screen Caps and Movie Stills”

  1. shauna says:

    OMG James is freaken HHHOOOOOT and jasper is cuter than edward sorry but true!!

  2. nohema says:

    omg thanks soo much for posting these
    there were a couple photos i was looking for and i finally found them
    thanks again

  3. alana says:

    the last picture looks like its kiss number 2……any1 else se tht?

  4. spicy caramel chica says:

    I am SO upset, the cast boys for twilight are torturing me! Im only eleven and they are WAY to old for me. * wails loudly*

  5. lauren says:

    OMG bella = me me = love edward !!!

  6. Allie says:

    I love twilight i am so in love and Edward Rocks (Robert) i think he is prefect for the part the movie is going to be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Trinity says:

    Haha These comments are sooo funni, but hey I can’t say much cause I’d be saying the same thing Edward is SUPER HOTT, he wasn’t what I imagined at first but he’ll do

  8. Allie says:

    If there is a Edward out there he is mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. mindy stone says:

    i love the book. i love the comercials. i love every thing. it is adicting. if you have not read the book you have to befor you see the movie. when i saw the comericial i ran around my house 14 times. i cant what to see the movie. i love edward cullens. i just love him. i wish my boyfriend whould be like that. and the way he is with bella is unspeakable. i wish i was bella. the guy who is acting him is hot. i llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee edward cullens.

  10. ashley says:

    i saw the commercial and i seriously screamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. alana says:

    books commercials i screamed after seeing the trailers and commercials ofcourse mi mom wasnt around 2 hear me=)


  13. Lulu Dutches says:

    OME when Edward posted that shoutout i sat there with my mouth hanging wide open with shock. I was so EXCITED. I LOVE YOU EDWARD. YOU ARE SO AMAZING. ever sence i read the books i have been totally inspired to find someone just like edward.

  14. Lulu Dutches says:

    Ok so at first i was pissed when i saw the trailers (for the FIRST time) becausse i never picture rob as edward at all. But i geuss hes kinda grown on me. and they did an afwel job or roseidale (i forgot how to spell it sorrry) they said that she was absolutly butiful and gorgeous and my god bellas prettier than her. shes not that pretty at all. i could of played her i totally fit the discription. alice and jasper they did an AMAZING job on emmet eh ok. jacob eh ok hes suposto look cute and boyish in the movie not just outright FOTCHY. (and no thats not a real word but it is to me)

  15. Lulu Dutches says:


  16. Lulu Dutches says:

    ome i so hope this dosnt movie isnt another let down because of the stars. like interview with the vampire. best book ever talk about amazing anyone read it or seen the movie? the movie is horid compared to the boook they picked the worst actors in the word for the parts. im reading the vampire lastat right it s the seceond one. to interview with a vampire.

  17. cassy says:

    am i the only one that thinks that rob might not have actually posted a shoutout?there are so many posers out there just wanting attention,and thats one way.however,if it is him,i think its awesomely cool that he did that.

  18. KP :) says:

    Cassy- i totally think so too. i don’t think that is him but ya never know.

    lulu dutches- there isn’t another book coming out. unless you are talking about midnight sun, which isn’t coming out.

  19. aribelle says:

    OMG I LOVE THE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Jena says:

    i wish i could find a picture of them kissing somewere… I can not wait for the movies to come outt!
    Edward is extreamly hottt. ! ๐Ÿ˜›

  21. kate says:

    Everything is wrong the house and all the actors don’t look right bella is too pretty and the cullens aren’t as attractive as they should be i mean they’re supposed to be unnaturally beautiful

  22. Heli says:

    I agree the cullens look too old and jacob and hid dad are not how I imagined.however I can not wait to go see the movie.I don’t want to wait any longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Lainy says:

    I haven’t seen like half of these! They are aawesome

  24. Allice says:

    Edward looks so cte in the 2nd last one.. oh yeah.. and all the others too!!
    How adorable!!!!!!!!

  25. spicy caramel chica says:

    Who wants to know my new name?! I’ll tell ya, Mrs. Cullen! I know i love it! By the way, robs mine! Anyone tries and get him beware! I’m watching you guys!

  26. Cassy says:

    I love Balla and Edward! Edward is soo SEXY locve from xXx-Ms.Hubshrink-xXx

  27. Aly says:

    Can’t wait till the movie! I have to use sites like this to avoid going through Twilight-Withdrawl xP. LOVE YA, EDWARD! ^^

  28. twilighter says:

    *takes rob and runs for life*muahaha o.o

  29. twilighter says:

    *takes rob and runs for life*muahaha o.o

  30. Twigurl1 says:

    I love these photos can’t wait until November 21 (MY BIRTHDAY) wow i am so excited

  31. Ceann^_^ says:

    ^_^ me likes, LUV U ROB and KRISTEN. twilight forever

  32. Ceann^_^ says:

    OMG twigurl u r so luck for your birthday to be on the same day as TWILIGHT MOVIE

  33. New Stills! says:

    […] Shadows has several new stills from Twilight!ย  You can see them on their site and here in our gallery! Big thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Love […]

  34. Jacob's Girl says:

    Cooler pics every time

  35. Hannah says:

    OMG!!!!!!!! Thankies for the pics. I can stop looking at them, especially the one of James without a top!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜›

  36. J says:

    I just got wrapped up into the Twilight Series just this past Tuesday, and I’m already ready to get the 3rd book! Seeing the trailers for the movie is what got me interested into the series, and I’m glad they did! Now I *really* can’t wait until the movie comes out!! And these stills make it that much harder and exciting for the movie release!!

  37. Lyndsey says:

    omg hottness much
    ok sooo im totally going for team jacob srry
    and i think out of the vampires that emmet is the omg makes me hyperventalate kinda hot
    so its like thirteen days till the realease and im totally gonna go just hope it aint sold out

  38. lariza says:

    unconsious on sight of pix….

  39. emma & ellie says:

    Jacobs wig is the most hideous thing wev’e ever seen pleaseeeeee take it offf!!!!
    edward and bella look cute thoiugh

  40. Ashley says:

    That crooked smile owns my heart. You know i once dated a guy that looked like Rob..(Edward) now i regret letting him go lol. jk i love my husband! Hes learned to except my fictional love life!

  41. beckner says:

    Edward is so hot it burns

  42. ivette says:


  43. saelynne says:

    *hyperventilates and faints* lol gosh Edward will you stop dazzling us? it’s dangerous lol

  44. boo bear:) says:

    okayy so they coulda picked a better bella for the movie.
    she NEEDS to wear make up in the movie
    i think rosalie is PRETTY
    edward is only hot in the movies in real life he looks tired and stoned
    but oh well

    <3 BeTtY bOo BeAr

  45. Jasmine says:

    LOVE ALL THE PICS!!!!!!!!! OH MY EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. Ok is it just me or does emmett look really creepy in the last picture….

  47. whitley says:

    I love Edward =] I can’t believe they show esme dying in the movie!!

  48. JayJay says:

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you would not beleive who big of a twilight freak I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Bella's Blonde Twin says:

    OMG! did u see those pics with Carlisle in the hospital! I guess they show when Carlisle creates Edward and Esme!!!

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