Fan of the Month

Hello everyone! My name’s Andrew, but please call me Andy. I’m 24 years old, share the same birthday as Rob (only I’m one year older than him) and I live in the UK.

I’m not 100% sure what I’m meant to write for this “bio” so I’m going to quickly go over how I got into the world of Twilight and everything Meyer!

I go into Twilight when it was first published in paperback in… 2007, maybe. It was before New Moon was published in hardback. I was sucked in by the “About three things I was absolutely positive” section on the back of the book. I read the book and fell in love. It reminded of my teenagers years (well, the good parts of being a teenager) so when I discovered a sequel, New Moon, was coming out, I bought it and read it and getting more excited! A love triangle with a vampire and a werewolf – and both and great as the other. Eclipse came out soon a year later and, again, rushed out to buy it. Though I liked Eclipse, I didn’t love it. I wanted to strangle Bella for not making up her mind sooner and the heartache at the end (I was kinda hoping she was going to pick Jacob, though I knew that this couldn’t happen!). Then we had two books, The Host and Breaking Dawn, last year and I rushed through them. I LOVED The Host and I really liked Breaking Dawn – I missed out of the closing cemerony of the 2008 Olympics just so I could finish the book – even though most of my friends via social network sites disliked it and we can’t seem to understand each other’s viewpoints.

I’m now guess that you want to know what Team I’m on. I would like to say am on Team Switzerland, but that’s because of Eclipse. But while reading each book, I change sides. In Twilight, am very much on Team Edward. In New Moon, I changed to Team Jacob. In Eclipse, I kinda sat in Team Switzerland due to the fact I was annoyed that Bella couldn’t make up her mind. In Breaking Dawn… I’m not sure on that one. I think I was still annoyed with Bella for not making up her mind sooner in Eclipse sooner, but then the twists came. Talk about putting salt into the wound! But now, talk about team, once I was having a conversation about Jacob and I was heavily defending him and I was given the nickname “Jacob Black’s Lawyer”. So… because of that, am Team Shapeshifter!

And, The Host… I need to talk about The Host. I love it! Yes, it was slow at the start, but that doesn’t matter to me. I enjoy this story of a love triangle between two bodies. Weirdly, I keep wanting this to be turned into a film or to have a sequel. Also, maybe I am a bit obsessed with this book more because whenever I hear a song on the radio or on my iPod, I instantly go “That reminds me Wanda and Ian!”

And as for the film… I really liked it. I had high hopes for it, but when I went to it, I was suddenly got scared. Low budget, rush filming, rumours from the USA that the CGI was awful – this film could so easily go horrible wrong! But it didn’t (well, not in my eyes) And I can’t see the fussy over Edward’s sparkle – that was how I saw it in my head. But, my favourite scene in the film (about from the ending scene – what a twist!) was the baseball! Almost exactly how I saw it!

I think through this book series (and many others – Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Sabriel, The Hunger Games, etc), it has helped me enjoying reading outside of my usual comfort zone of books and, also, know how to improve as a writer because, just for fun, I write short stories. With Stephenie Meyer, I know I want my characters (and myself) feel every emotion, no matter how wonderful or hurtful.

Am not 100% sure with Supporter Speculation, but I do have some questions. One about Imprint and the other about The Host.

Maybe I read Imprinting wrong, but it read like once you’ve imprinted, you lose all sense of self. You’re doing everything to please the person you’ve imprinted on, rather than to please yourself. So, can we honestly say that Imprinting is similar to Love in the sense of lovers, a partner’s love for a child or a love shared between friends? And, also, what happens if the werewolf/shapeshifter once they’ve imprinted? Are they doomed to once be in love with the person they’ve imprinted on, or could they find love with someone else, but still be imprinted on another person?

When The Host first came out, I read an article saying that film companies were having a bidding war of the film rights. Now, do we know if they have been bought or if this was a rumour? I hold The Host very close to my heart (with the Twilight Saga and Harry Potter) and would think seeing a film of “The Host” would be amazing! Just as amazing as seeing “The Hunger Games” as a film!

Now, I better finish this before you all fall in a coma!

This is Andy aka Jacob Black’s Lawyer signing off!