The TST Bookshelf
Here the staffers of Twilight Series Theories will post what they are reading at the current moment! We will all we updating the page according to when we finish a book! So look what the staff is reading!
I am about half-way through “The Book Thief” and loving it!
Finished THE HOLLOW by Jessica Verday, and ASH by Malinda Lo, and now I am reading RUINED by Paula Morris, then I think I I will be reading….wait for it…. KALEB NATIONS book! YAY!! TWILIGHT GUY! I know! Crazy! 🙂
I have FINISHED ‘If I Stay’ by Gayle Forman! I will admit that I did NOT want to read this book! LOL! I started it, and figured it would be sad from the book jacket! I don’t like to read sad books or watch sad movies… they are just not my thing! So… after getting past the sad stuff, I really did enjoy it and think you all should read it! Who knows it might be something we talk about on the show one week!
Now on to Wings by Aprilynne Pike!
I am working on the book Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke. It is an epic fantasy about two magicians who restore magic to England during the Napoleonic wars. They perform many strange acts (like creating an entire armada made out of rain to frighten the French army, or causing all of the statues in a cathedral to tell their stories of woe) and eventually help England to win the war. But with a mad king and some of their friends becoming despondent and talking about a mysterious man with thistle-down hair, are Strange and Norrell ready to take on the original English magician – the Raven King?