How to Subscribe

Since our spot in the iTunes podcast directory is having some technical issues, I thought I would give you all a quick How To lesson!

The first step is to open iTunes (I gather you’d guessed as much though… 😉 )

Next, go to the Advanced menu item and select “Subscribe to Podcast…”

Subscribe to the podcast

Select "Subscribe to Podcast"

When you select that, a box should appear that looks like this:

This is where you will paste our Podcast Feed

This is where you will paste our Podcast Feed

Now, all you need to do is copy this address:

And paste it into the box so that it looks like this:



Now, just click OK, and you will be Subscribed to the TST Podcast! That ALSO means that the podcast episodes should download when you open iTunes, so you don’t have to search for them when a new episode is uploaded! Just check the podcast directory in your iTunes library located here:



I hope this helps everybody keep current on the ‘cast! If you have any questions, post them in the comments and I’ll do my best to field them!