Posts Tagged ‘ Book Review ’

Kingdom Keepers I: Disney after Dark Book Review

Jun 4th, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured Articles

Kingdom Keepers is a wonderful book about 5 kids that are transported into the MAGIC KINGDOM, every night when they fall asleep.  They are called DHI’s Disney Holographic Host, and they have to try to save Disney world, because at night the rides come alive, and are trying to overtake the Magic Kingdom to take
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Feb 17th, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Fandom, Featured Articles

Hello! This is my quick review on SENT, that comes out in August of 2009!! SENT is a wonderful read! Its a fast book, that keeps your attention through the whole story.  It follows the group of children that we got to know in FOUND, that have been put back into there right time. BUT
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