Posts Tagged ‘ cassandra clare ’

Mortal Instruments News!

Aug 25th, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

As you may have heard, Cassandra Clare has announced plans to write a 4th book in the Mortal Instruments series!  The book, City of Fallen Angels, is set to be released in March 2011.   To read the fill press release, click here! Love, blood, betrayal and revenge — the stakes are higher than ever in
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Book Of The Month News

Jul 7th, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

This post actually concerns two former TST Book of the Month selections!  Maria V. Snyder, author of Poison Study (a former TST book selection), just send out her monthly newsletter with some interesting bits of information.  First off, for fans of Yelena & Valek, there is a new short story for newsletter subscribers here!  Secondly,
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