Posts Tagged ‘ Cast ’

VMA Red Carpet Pics

Sep 7th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
VMA Red Carpet Pics

Everglow has a bunch of photos of the Twilight cast from the red carpet that you can check out here! Very big thanks to Everglow 🙂 Contest!

Aug 11th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News Contest!

Celebrity Love Awards, 2008 Write to your favorite celebrities and will mail your letters to the top one hundred in the list! You can even win some great prizes along the way, and the top five are given our coveted Annual Love Awards! Has your favorite celebrity Made the List?

We Are Not Grouchy Today…

May 26th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Movie News
We Are Not Grouchy Today...

Days Until Eclipse Special Edition is Released! To keep you from feeling grouchy today (and going over and over what might happen in the 1st chapter of Breaking Dawn) we are going to encourage you to send some email to Oprah and Ellen!  This is an effort being headed up by some TwilightMoms, and we know that ALL
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Peter Facinelli Joins Us for a Podcast!

Apr 1st, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News, Podcasts
Peter Facinelli Joins Us for a Podcast!

Let me start by reassurring you that this is NOT an April Fool’s joke!  You read that right…Peter joined us for an interview last night!  You will get to hear, for yourself, Peter answering our questions.  We did make sure to ask him questions that have not been asked before.  The interview will be released
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Show the Twilight Cast Support!

Mar 31st, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News
Show the Twilight Cast Support!

  Here is a way for you to let the cast know that you support them!  There is a Deadline…May 4th, so get your comments, videos, images, or whatever in! Comments can be left at You can begin to send your videos, images, voice comments, among other things to (Please, it would be easier
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Mar 29th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News

A short article has been posted on  It emphasizes what we all know…Twilight is going to be a boxoffice homerun!  The author of the article has made a visit to the set, and will be releasing pics and interviews in the near future!  Producer Talks Future of Twilight Franchise ~ Check this article out
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Twilight Moms Interview Justin Chon (Eric)

Mar 11th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News

  This evening Twilight Moms got an interview with Justin Chon!  And guess who was involved?  Some TMs and ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was so much fun to chat with Justin!  There were several questions asked and answered that have not been addressed yet in other interviews, so check out the transcript here!

Edi Gathegi Interview… (Parts 1 & 2 are now available!)

Mar 11th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News

Edi Gathegi, who is playing Laurent, has done an interview with!  You can check out part one and part two of the interview on their site now! And BTW, Happy Belated Birthday, Edi!

Leader of the Wolf Pack (Sam) has been cast!

Mar 5th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News

Solomon Trimble, a student at Portland State, and was not really looking to be cast as Sam.  He was at the auditions to support his little brother!  (Definitley, Sam behavior, supporting his brothers in the pack!)  If you want to read more head over to

Justin Chon Interview…

Mar 2nd, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News got an exclusive interview with Justin Chon!