Posts Tagged ‘ extras ’

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Clips and BTS Features!

Feb 25th, 2013 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos
Breaking Dawn Part 2 Clips and BTS Features!

MSN is also hosting a giveaway so be sure to check out their site! For even more Blu-ray/DVD features visit: MTV for BTS of the arm wrestling scene! for cast interviews!    

Extra Features On Comcast

Mar 19th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Comcast OnDemand has 3 short documentaries from the set of Twilight.  One we have seen before, but the other two involve vampire lifestyles and vampire baseball, which is very cool!  The trailer is also available.  Just look under MOVIES & EVENTS and there should be a Twilight section 🙂  The movie will also be available
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DVD Extras

Nov 25th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

The Cimarron Group, the company behind Twilight’s marketing, has a list of DVD bonus features that might be included on the DVD.  (Thanks to B&E for the info).  You can see their list of extras here! DVD Extra Content & Blu-Ray Features: -Becoming Bella -Becoming Edward -Music: The Heartbeat of Twilight -A Conversation with Stephanie
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Twilight on The Insider

Nov 5th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
Twilight on The Insider

Make sure to watch “The Insider” this week, since it is Twilight week!  Here is Monday’s video. “It’s ‘Twilight’ week at “The Insider”! In our brand-new video, we’re taking you behind the scenes on the set of the hotly anticipated movie, and getting the scoop from Robert Pattinson, who stars as hunky vampire hero Edward
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MySpace Update

Oct 10th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
MySpace Update

The new trailer is now available on MySpace, along with character playlists and a new quiz.