Posts Tagged ‘ fandango ’
New Breaking Dawn Part 2 Sweepstakes: Win Trips to Ireland, Egypt, or Alaska!
Oct 15th, 2012 | By Stefanie | Category: Contests, Featured Articles, Movie News
iVillage is running the “Global Getaway Sweepstakes: Destination Ireland” to correlate with the release of Breaking Dawn Part 2. The winner will receive a $4,999 giftcard that they can use toward travel to Ireland, home of the Irish vamps Siobhan, Liam and Maggie! Head over to iVillage for the official rules and to enter! Thanks
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Fandango: Breaking Dawn Part 2 Tickets Go on Sale October 1!
Sep 13th, 2012 | By Stefanie | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News
Here’s the info from Fandango: That’s the day that Fandango will begin selling advance tickets for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2. Tix will go on sale Oct. 1 at 12 midnight EST, more than six weeks before the movie’s actual release date. According to a recent survey, a majority of Fandango moviegoers
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Fandango: Win a Trip to the Premiere of Breaking Dawn Part 2
Sep 13th, 2012 | By Stefanie | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News
And so it begins…this is just the first of what I expect will be many more chances from various outlets to win a trip to the very last Twilight premiere ever. Head over to Fandango to see the official rules and entry form! ALSO, take note of the box on the entry form that says this: “As a
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Comic Con with Kallie…
Jul 20th, 2012 | By Kallieross | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News
I had a blast this year at Comic Con, and have a ton of pictures to prove it! I tried to keep everyone updated on twitter (@TSTPodcast & @Kallieross), but alas, there was so much happening I’m sure I missed something. This post contains a gallery with a ton of pictures from The Twilight Saga:
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Fandango: Mackenzie Foy Will Be a Breakout Star in 2012
Jan 5th, 2012 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
Here’s info about a “Breakout Star” poll that Fandango conducted: With the new year kicking into high gear, Fandango surveyed more than of its 1,000 moviegoers, asking them which actors and actresses they expect to be the biggest breakout movie stars of 2012. Among the relative newcomers to big-screen leading roles, the fan favorites are
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See Breaking Dawn Again & Be Entered to Win a Replica of Bella’s Engagement Ring!
Dec 17th, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie NewsSummit just let us know of a great giveaway they’re doing: Today an exciting new opportunity starts for all BREAKING DAWN fans! Any fans that see BREAKING DAWN – PART 1 again in theaters starting today through January 2, and tweet @Twilight “I’ve seen #BreakingDawn___ times! #SeeBDAgain” (Important Note: where it indicates ___, insert the
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More Bill Condon Interviews, You Say? Here’s Four, Chock-Full of “Breaking Dawn” Details
Oct 31st, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Site News
Breaking Dawn promo and interviews is getting into full swing, and as a result, four new interviews with the film’s director have popped up. This first is Bill Condon’s interview with Fandango. In it he talks about one pretty major plot difference in comparison to the book: Fandango: What is Irina doing at the wedding (as seen
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New “Breaking Dawn” TV Spot Debuts Wednesday
Oct 11th, 2011 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsFandango will be exclusively debuting a brand new Breaking Dawn TV spot tomorrow at 9 am PST, which will include never-before-seen footage! You can check out the new ad over on their site, and we will be sure to add it to TST when it become available.
‘Breaking Dawn Part 1’ Advance Ticket Sale Date Announced!
Sep 13th, 2011 | By Stefanie | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
Fandango and have just announced that advance tickets will go on sale October 1! For information on how to sign up for Fandango alerts so that you can get updates on when the tickets go on sale, visit Fandango.
Alright, so who’s buying advance tickets? (Meeee! I do every year!)
P.S. Right click on that Yahoo poster above–it’s now in HQ! The Jacob poster is, too.