Moviefone Unscripted Interview Part 2
Nov 24th, 2009 | By Krystal | Category: Featured Articles, Movie NewsMoviefone has posted a new Unscripted interview, this time with Dakota, Michael, and Jamie! Click here to check out the video!
Moviefone has posted a new Unscripted interview, this time with Dakota, Michael, and Jamie! Click here to check out the video!
Moviefone has posted their unscripted interview with Rob, Taylor, and Chris, which you can see here in HD! has a new interview with Peter… “I think people should be excited about the action that the second one’s going to bring,” beamed Facinelli. “We still have this love triangle between Rob, Kristen and Taylor that grows in the second one, but as a guy I love to see some action too, and we
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MovieFone has a new interview with Rob, who clears up rumors on everything from personal hygiene to his supposed accident on the set of New Moon. Is it true that, I don’t know if you saw this, but a source on the set of ‘New Moon’ said that you don’t smell good, that you don’t
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Moviefone will be doing an unscripted interview with Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Stephenie Meyer on November 8 and they want your questions! “On Saturday, November 8, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Stephenie Meyer will be sitting down in our Unscripted studio to interview each other using your questions. You know what that means. Submit
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