Posts Tagged ‘ Robert Pattinson ’

“Water for Elephants” Trailer Starring Robert Pattinson

Dec 15th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos
"Water for Elephants" Trailer Starring Robert Pattinson

               It’s here! Oh my goodness, I’m so excited about this film! The screencap above is special to me because it’s a scene they shot in my backyard here in Georgia–not literally my backyard but it’s not too far away from me. 😀 Click on the screencap to watch (and watch again!) the trailer over at
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‘Breaking Dawn’ Set Visit Goes for $80,000

Dec 9th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles

                                                                       Remember the charity auction we posted about a few weeks ago?  The Vancouver Sun is reporting that the bidding ended at $80,000!  The winner, along with three friends, will spend the day mingling with the broody vampire this February, followed by a two-night stay at the Four Seasons Hotel, plus VIP limousine service to
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Round-up of ‘Eclipse’ DVD/Blu-Ray Reviews

Dec 7th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Merchandise, Movie News

                                                             Here’s an excerpt from Moviefone’s in-depth review: Realistically, it doesn’t seem like the filmmakers were trying to reach out to nonfans or folks who hadn’t seen previous installments when they made the movie – nor did they need to – and the home video release is the same way. That said, this set offers virtually everything fans
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MTV: ‘Eclipse’ DVD Commentary Clip

Nov 24th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos

MTV has a sneak peek at Rob and Kristen’s commentary from the Eclipse DVD!  It’s a short clip from the tent scene.  This, my friends, is going to be one awesome DVD commentary–I can’t wait to listen to the rest!                                 Movie Trailers – Movies Blog

‘Eclipse’ DVD Clip, “Robert & Kristen”, on Moviefone

Nov 23rd, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos

        Dear Rob and Kristen DVD commentary, I’m very much looking forward to listening to you. 😉

Rob & Kristen Filming at Isle Esme Yesterday

Nov 13th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News
Rob & Kristen Filming at Isle Esme Yesterday

————————-Spoiler Alert————————- Have you recovered from the swimsuit photos yet? 😉 Here are some pictures from yesterday’s set.  Remember that photo of Rob and Kristen’s doubles doing a scene setup from yesterday?  Now you can see Rob and Kristen filming the actual scene. Here are the doubles: And here’s Rob and Kristen! And here’s a nice one of
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Photos of Rob & Kristen Filming Swimming Scene

Nov 13th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News
Photos of Rob & Kristen Filming Swimming Scene

————————-Spoiler Alert————————- Are y’all ready for these?  Prepare yourselves. Haha  If we come across any HQ shots later, we’ll be sure to post those as well. 😉    Why the man is in his underwear, I have no idea because he’s wearing swim trunks in other pictures.  Also, Kristen is wearing two different white bikinis.  Go here to
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Today’s Filming Location + Updates on Isle Esme House

Nov 9th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News
Today's Filming Location + Updates on Isle Esme House

First off, this entire post is pretty spoilery, so those who are wary of knowing shooting details and the like might want to steer clear of this post. 😉   ——————————————————————————————————————————————— Today, Rob and Kristen are filming at a waterfall in Taquari which is in the same general area as Casa em Paraty (the Isle
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Press Conference with Bill Condon & Wyck Godfrey in Rio

Nov 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News

FoForks has some great coverage on a press conference with Bill Condon, Wyck Godfrey and Sérgio Sá Leitão that took place in Rio today.  According to their report, “Breaking Dawn” production will be in Brazil for ten days, and only five of those are filming days.  Here are some highlights from the press conference, and make sure to check out FoForks for the
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Videos from Day 1 of “Breaking Dawn” Filming!

Nov 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Fandom, Featured Articles, Movie News, Videos
Videos from Day 1 of "Breaking Dawn" Filming!

                                                                                      Have you all recovered from last night’s awesomeness?  I totally haven’t. 😉  Here are some videos from the set in the Lapa district of Rio de Janeiro, last night.  Go here to see the rest! This first video is great because you get to see Rob and Kristen do a take, you can even hear the
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