Posts Tagged ‘ Robert Pattinson ’

Kellan Reacts To Rob’s Modeling Pics

Mar 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

OK, so EmpireClover from L&L LJ scanned in some photos from Bliss Magazine and I found a fun link in the scans.  The video is of Kellan’s reaction to seeing Rob’s old modeling photos, and it’s pretty funny!  Blackmail. I love it, lol!

Rob & Kristen Interviews

Mar 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Here are some new interviews from when Rob, Kristen, and Taylor were in Japan!

Rob Readies Fans For New Moon

Mar 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Reuters has a little interview with Rob about his upcoming projects, including New Moon. “The book of ‘New Moon,’ the majority of it is incredibly depressing,” Pattinson told Reuters. “Obviously ‘Twilight’ was about finding first love and the difficulties of that, but ‘New Moon’ is really about loss and reconciliation, but the reconciliation isn’t completely
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Canadian Mounties Called In To Protect Rob

Mar 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

It seems that Canadian Mounties have been called in to help keep Rob safe on the set of New Moon! While filming on the tiny scenic island of Tofino, on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, producers enlisted the help of local cops Constables Brendon Baillant and Brandon Builziuk to make sure filming went off without
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Rob Injured On Set?

Mar 24th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Update: Radar is reporting that Rob was NOT injured on the set. According to Sugar Slam, Robert Pattinson received a head injury on the set of New Moon after a sign came loose in a gust of wind. Don’t know if this is just a rumor or what, but nothing has been CONFIRMED! So it
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Robert Pattinson Eyeing “Memoirs”

Mar 24th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Rob is in early talks to star in Summit-backed film, “Memoirs.”  Nothing is confirmed yet though. “Pattinson, who is reprising his role as vampire Edward Cullen in the “Twilight” sequel “The New Moon,” is in early talks to star in the new project, which Allen Coulter is considering directing. “Memoirs,”
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Ryan Reynolds Talks “Dreamy Robert Pattinson”

Mar 24th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

MTV’s Larry Carroll interviewed Ryan Reynolds about whether or not he is a Twilight fan, and here is what he had to say. “I love ‘Twilight’,” insisted the star, who shares some steamy moments in April 3rd’s “Adventureland” with Kristen Stewart. “Oh my God are you kidding me? Robert Pattinson in a word: dreamy.” Movie
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‘Twilight’ DVD: Best of Robert Pattinson’s audio commentary

Mar 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

EW has a review of Rob’s audio commentary on the Twilight DVD. Here is an example of some of the funnier moments, but you can always wait and watch the DVD if you don’t want to spoil it. 15:40 “That was really impressive…,” he says when Stewart’s Bella slips and falls on some ice. “What
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New Rob Interview

Mar 23rd, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Here is a new Japanese interview with Robert Pattinson!

Ashley Loves Taylor’s New Bod

Mar 18th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

4tnz has a little interview with Ashley Greene who talks about Taylor, as well as Rob becoming a flittering image in New Moon! “Of course they threw Rob in there! He comes in as a flittering image to tell Bella not to do anything reckless and then you have him at the very beginning at
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