Breaking Dawn Concert Transcripts
Aug 13th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Book News
The Twilight Lexicon has the transcripts for the Chicago, LA, and Seattle Breaking Dawn Concerts here!
The Twilight Lexicon has the transcripts for the Chicago, LA, and Seattle Breaking Dawn Concerts here!
MTV has an interview with Stephenie Meyer about Breaking Dawn, as well as what she thinks of a movie based on the book! MTV also want your help creating a Twilight quiz. They also have an article on the Twilight Lexicon being hacked. has put Stephenie in the spotlight! The article is on overview of the amazing ride that Meyer has been on for the last few years! To read it, click HERE!
Days Until Eclipse Special Edition is Released! To keep you from feeling grouchy today (and going over and over what might happen in the 1st chapter of Breaking Dawn) we are going to encourage you to send some email to Oprah and Ellen! This is an effort being headed up by some TwilightMoms, and we know that ALL
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Stephenie Meyer has taken the time to talk to MTV about her upcoming book ‘The Host’, her cameo in the movie Twilight, and much, much more…Click here! has posted an article with details about Stephenie Meyer’s visit, coming May 8th. If you live in the area, you will want to read this and get the info you need to meet Stephenie!
The information regarding where and when Stephenie Meyer will be near you is at! Go the the Calendar page on her site for details about Event Guidelines, dates, places, and purchasing tickets!
We love you Stephenie (and this GREAT picture)! We also love that more people are coming to know and love the Twilight Series! The New York Observer is looking into why teens are Vamping Up!
Seth has posted an announcement on! There are new designs for t-shirts at Twilight Teez. There is also a statement regarding Eclipse Special Edition!
We have not heard much about Stephenie Meyer’s book tour through Germany, but today some of her interview has popped up on You Tube! You can see the interview in eight parts. The link below will take you to Part 1, and you can see the other videos by clicking on the Related Videos at
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